11. Dumbledore - Astra

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After yesterdays strange visitor, i didn't want to leave daddy's side.  i don't like stangers, never have, never will. any time mother introduced me to strangers, i got hurt. I know daddy would never let me get hurt, but that doesn't mean the stranger wouldn't try to hurt me. 

That why i hide from the strange man with the long white beard and the half moon shaped glasses who stood infront of us as we walk out of the fireplace. when Daddy said we were going to see a friend i thought he meant molly or maybe charlie. I didn't think he meant someone new. so i did the only logical thing. i hid behind his leg. much like yesterday in the gaurden. watching the older man carefully. 

"Ah, Mr. Lupin, delightful to see you after all these years." He stated in a cheerful manner. 

"It's been too long professor" Daddy replied taking the mans hand.

"Now Mr. Lupin, i have not been your professor for many years now. I believe after our years fighting the war together you have more than earned the right to call me Albus." the man smiled warmly before looking down at me, his stare seeming kind and curious. all i wanted was for daddy to walk us back into the floo network and bring us home, I didn't like the way he was looking at me like i was some sort of puzzle that needed to be solved "I see you've brought out young guest of honour"

"Astra, sweetheart why don't you say hello?" Daddy smiled as he looked down at me, placing a hand behind my back and encouraged me to more from the comfort of my hiding spot behind his leg. 

"H-hello" I mutter. 

"Hello Ms. Lupin, its a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Professor Albus Dumbledore. Do you know who i am?" he asked kindly crouching down to my level, while Daddy rested his hands comfortingly on my shoulders. The way he crouched down in front of me, was meant to be friendly, i knew that deep down, but i couldn't help the flashes of mother that flooded my mind distorting my view of the kind man in front of me. 

"Ah, Albus remember how i mentioned that there were some... unique circumstances surrounding how i came to discover my daughter, well her mother wasn't the kindest of women and lets say she didn't take kindly to discovering Astra took after me. She was often cruel to the girl and so she's a little hesitant with strangers, please just... take it easy. she likes her space. she's been a little jumpy since yesterday's visitor" Daddy explained after i  flinched back into his frame when Professor Dumbledore reached out for my hand. 

"My apologies Ms. Lupin." He stated taking a step back returning to his full height, before looking to Daddy "I assume, her mother is no longer present in her life".

"Nor, will she ever be again" Daddy states reaching down to lift me up onto his hip and the two of them look to me. 

"That is probably for the best, i can tell this young girl is set for greatness." Dumbledore smiles sending a kind wink my way before he gestured towards the desk and chairs at the other side of the room. "Shall we? we have a lot to discuss"

They walked toward the direction Dumbledore had pointed towards, and took their spots at either side of the great desk, Daddy sat opposite his friend and placed me on his lap. Reaching into his jumper's pocket he pulled out a book for me and handed it to me to read while they had their discussion, hoping most likely to distract me from what they're talking about. 

To The Moon and Back | Remus Lupin's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें