2. Unknown Daughter - Astra

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The cottage was bigger on the inside, only just. The space was warm and welcoming. Nothing too fancy. Everything seemed humble really, nothing too flashy. The ground floor was mostly open plan.

A large dark wooden bookshelf too up the majority of the wall in the sitting room section. Filled with books, some books rested on a coffee table in from of a warn brown leather sofa. The kind you see in old luxurious houses that was pinned with buttons to create a cool quilted effect all over the back.this sofa was rather old and didn't carry the same sense of luxury but comfort instead.  In the centre of one of the bookcase was a large fire place, currently home to a small.collection of firewood that was unlit.

To the right of the front door behind Remus was a closed door just in front of a rickety wooden staircase that lead to what I presumed was the attack or bedroom.

I couldn't help but look around in awe at the immediate surroundings. Everything felt warm and cosy. Almost safe.  I couldn't help with smile contently to myself. I really hope he let me stay.

"Let's get you some food, you must be tired after that walk" remus said kindly as he closed the door behind us before guiding me causiouy toward the kitchen.

Found just behind the stairs hidden by a hidden income adjacent to the room the mystery door lead to. Was an old country kitchen. A small selection of presses painted a warm brown, with a variety of herbs hanging from the roof. A collection if fresh vegetables and eggs on the country tops. An old black cast iron over and stove sat near a window that looke doubt onto the forest. To the left of the stove was the sink.off to the side a few stops away was a fridge. Directly behind the sitting area was an old wooden table that sat parallel to the kitchen.

It may sound small but it was surprising spacious.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked as he open a press and looked inside.

I could tell that Remus didn't have much. Everything in the house seemed mismatched and most of the food he seemed to grow himself. I didn't wanna seem greedy and take anything before he even got to know me.

"I... I ugh, I'm not very hungry. H-honest" I attempt to convince he older man. However my stomach betrays me and let's our an other long hungry growl. "O-okay, maybe a l-little hungry" 

He kind man chuckled softly at me.

"Well, any requests. I'll do my best." He smiled, ribbingbthe back of his neck nervously

"Oh, well...umm I'm not very honest" I smile back I'm am attempt.tonhid how nervous I am.

What do normal.people have for breakfast?

"What's your favourite breakfast food and I'll try make it for you"

His question makes me panic a little. I dont wanna get mother in trouble. I just look to the ground nervously. I want to be honest with him, he seems very nice and I dont want to upset or anger him.

"I, umm. I don't really have a favourite"

"Well what do you usually have for breakfast?"  He coached down to my level again. He looked at me curiously. I swear he already knew. He knew that I wasnt telling the truth.

Tugging nervously on my sleeves. I give in.

"I... I... I didn't really have b-breakfast. Not very o-often. It umm was u-usually just what ever was left over from mother dinner the night before" I stammered.

It looked almost as though his heart was breaking. He looked at me with such sadness in his eyes. He looked hurt.

"Well..." he coughed clearing his troat as he shook his head in defeat "we'll have to change that wont we?"

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