8. echoes of the past - Astra

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CW: this chapter includes a flash back to a scene of abuse, this scene is written in italics, reader digression is advised. 

May 1993

Daddy had gone to work early this morning. I woke up on the sofa in the burrow. This usually happened when he was in work early and was due in for a second shift late at night. It didn't happen often but i always enjoyed when it did happen. It meant I could stay with Molly and Arthur in their house. 

Arthur had loads of odd toys that did funny things, he was always so excited whenever i was over and he got to show off his muggle devices. they were fun to play arround with though for the most part they rarely did anything but the few things that did were fun to figure out. Molly usually let me help in the garden, picking the veggies for dinner. Sometimes she thought me how to knit. she was always knitting when she wasn't cooking. 

"Awh, loving your awake. Come on sweetheart there's someone i'd like you to meet" Molly smiled as she popped into the sitting room from the kitchen. 

getting up from the sofa and rubbed my eyes sleepily wandering over towards Molly. She smiled at me with her hand outreached for me to take. Slipping my hand into her i held on nervously. I didn't like new people. you never know who to trust. 

walking into the kitchen, i saw a young man, with longish, shaggy ginger hair and a scruffy short beard.  Dressed in a loose creamy cotton  shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top buttons undone in a casual manner, the way Daddy would wear his shirt after a long day at work. The young man was covered in freckles and some burns present on his arms were clearly visible. He looked strong yet warm and gentle. "This is Charlie, he's one of my sons, he popped over for a surprise visit today, i thought it would be nice to introduce you two. You were talking to me about the dragons in your new book, well Charlie works with dragons"

"YOU WORK WITH REAL DRAGONS?" I couldn't contain my excitement. He young man just let out a hearty laugh and crouched down to my height making him seem less intimidating. 

"I do, you're Astra right?" He asked reaching a hand out towards me, nodding I smile and hesitantly take my hand from molly's and grasp his hand. his skin feels tough and scratchy again mine. "Well, its lovely to met you mini lupin, mum was telling me all about you in her recent letters. Says you're a bit of a book worm is that right?" 

"I just like the stories, Daddy lets me ready all his books! even the ones on magical creatures. So far Dragons are my favourite." I smiled excited to have someone to talk to about my newest passion. 

"Mine too, do you have a favourite?"

"I like the Chinese fireball, they're very pretty plus they're really fast and clever!" I beam finding it hard to contain my excitement, so decide to bounce subtly on the balls of my feet. "Oh and, and I read that ugh, unlike other dragons, fireballs don't mind sharing their territory which i think is really nice for them, its almost like they have little families."

Charlie just chuckled at my excitement as molly looked at us both foundly before turning and begining to make some lunch. once molly was busy humming away as she made lunch, charlie leaned forward rolling up his sleeve further.

"Wanna see something cool?" Charlie asked as he looked down at his upper arm, following his eye line till I notice it. A red and gold chinese fireball dancing around his shoulder. "They're my favourite too"

All I could do was gawk at charlie. Too many questions swarming around my head. How did he trapped the dragon in his skin? Was it some sort of magic prison for the creature? Did it hurt it? I used to hurt myself off the cage mother trapped me in, did being on Charlie's skin hurt the miniature fireball.

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