15. Unwanted guest in the Burrow - Astra

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"There's my little moonbeam!" Molly whispered into my hair after I ran straight from the fireplace into her arms.

"Molly guess what!" I giggled. I couldn't wait to show her all the cool new magic i would do! Stepping back  i look up at the older witch with a cheeky smile before concentrating really hair until I turn my hair the same fiery shade of red to match her own causing her to gasp, jumping jack slightly with a her hand on her heart.

"Your... your hair!" She whispered before reaching out and touching my hair. Causing me to giggle and lose focus. She gasped again as my hair faded to lavender like my favourite flower. I could hear daddy chuckle behind me. "You're.."

"A meta-morph-magus! Thats what you said its called didn't you you daddy? Did I get it right?"

"Yes sweetheart, you got it right" he chuckled coming forward to greet molly.

"W-when?" Molly asked still shocked which I found funny.

"I think I have a lot to tell you, why don't we introduce Astra to your kids and ill fill you in on everything. Its been an...interesting summer" Daddy laughed as molly lead us into the kitchen. Molly just nodded with her eyes wide. i think she was surprised. Maybe she'd never seen a metamorphmagus before?

in the kitchen Arthur, molly's husband was sitting down reading a newspaper humming away to himself. While a girl i'd never met before was peeling some potatoes at the counter. she must be one of Molly's kids because she had the same fiery hair as Molly. She looks up at me and daddy with a questioning look. she looked a little scared which made me worry. did she not like new people? 

"Ginny Dear, this is our old friend Remus and his daughter Astra" Molly stated after a moment of awkward silence. 

"Oh, Hello" Ginny replied weakly. 

"Ginny just finished her first year at Hogwarts, some aweful things happened in the the castle last year, gave us a right scare she did." Molly rambled fussing over the older girl who seemed to be put off by Molly's attention. 

"Mum! do you have to tell everyone!" She grumbled before looking back down at the potatoes she had been working on with a sad look in her eyes. 

at this Arthur closed his paper and looked up. "Remus! when did you get here? molly have they been here long?" 

"Just arrived dear" Molly replied placing her hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Remus why don't you seat and tell us what we've missed this summer while i make a cuppa tea?"

"That would be prefect molly, thank you" Daddy smiled before taking a seat at the table, placing me beside him. 

"Merlin's beard Astra your hair!" Arthur called when he finally noticed me, his wide eyed reaction caused me to laugh. focusing really hard again i make my hair turn back to fiery red and looked up at wizard at the end of the table who was looking at me with mild shock and i think amusement. "When she learn how to do that?"

"Well, i suppose it was locked inside her all this time but i'll explain it all shortly" Daddy laughed, talking the cup of tea molly had since brought over. with a small smile as a a thank you. 

"I think that's gonna take some getting use to deary." Molly smiled as she placed a cup of chocolate milk infront of me.

"Mum, i'm done with these can i go back upstairs?" Ginny asked as she made her way to leave the kitchen. she was already making her way towards the stairs before molly even got a chance to reply. 

"Oh that girl! i swear she's been in a mood all summer!" Molly muttered under her breath before taking a seat at the table. after a moment of silence Daddy started to tell the Weasley's about everything that happened over summer while they were away in Egypt. From the boring stuff like gardening to the strange wolf that showed but at our cottage to our meeting with Dumdledore and the tests with the wolves yesterday. Molly looked like her head was spinning. Arthur's look mirrored his wife's almost completely. 

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