2. Avery Jennings

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First day of year 12.... How exciting. I cannot wait to finish school! 13 years of schooling is just so overrated. Once I walked through the doors and greeted all my friends and peers, I remembered I had to see Miss. Peirce. I don't like her. She is very naggy, even if you're doing everything right. She likes me though, which im thankful for. I'm a school leader and all the teachers know and adore me, if they don't... They do overtime, once I sprinkle my magic.

I walked into the office and realised Mr. Davidson was sitting at his new desk. Oh my god. He Is so perfect. I've had a crush on him since I moved to the school in year 9. He's never had me as a student before, but I know very well who he is. Liked by all the guys, adored by the girls, loved by the teachers. He's handsome, funny, smart... He is Prince charming.

'Oh, Mr. Davidson... I'm, uh... Looking for Miss. Peirce' I said shyly. I was very intimidated. I waa talking to my teacher crush for the first time. Scary.

'Uh, I haven't seen her... You are?' He cleared his throat. He looks amazing. He's wearing a black suit and a blue tie. His hair is longish and just the perfect colour. How do I explain. Light brown maybe.

'Uhh, Avery...' I answered. He know knows my name and who i am!

'I'll let her know you dropped by, Avery' the way he said my name sent tingles down my back. Why am I feelings like this toward a teacher? Hopefully I don't have him as a teacher, I wouldn't be able to concentrate!!

'Thanks Sir' I said and just walked out. I could finally breath properly. Wow. He is so... Perfect!


It was 3rd period and I had Legal Studies. I liked the subject, just not the teacher. I hope we don't have her again. As I walked into clas, a few of my guy friends were sitting down, I didn't realise the teacher at the front until they started conversing with him. I looked and holy god, it's Mr. Davidson. I cannot believe it. A year with this hunk of man?! What am I going to do? I won't be able to concentrate. I'll feel so creepy by staring at him. What if I don't realise I am? Oh god, he probably knows I have a crush on him... Okay, relax. I'm being paranoid. What if I'm not?

He started handing out timetables and I had a question to ask. I'm so nervous... Here I go. One... Two... Three...

'If we miss the test date for some reason, do we do it another day?' I looked up at him as he looked down. Our eyes connected and I couldn't look away.

'So if you miss the date, you will have to do it the next day. If not, you get a 0... But that's a dramatic rule... I'll let you sit the test when you're back in school' I think I love him. Wait, what... No I dont. He is so hot, so smart and an awesome teacher. Let's just hope he can teach! Then I found out he will be holding after school classes. He doesn't know me! I'm going to need to show up so I get on his good side. I have never had a teacher dislike me before, and I'm not starting with my teacher crush.

After class had finished, I stayed back to try and suck up. He didn't even know who i was. I was shocked. Teachers that have never taught me, knew who I was. I walked up to his desk as he was packing papers. As I reached his table, he looked up. Oh god. He smiled. Oh god times 2.

'Avery... Can I help you with something?' He smiled. Oh my goodness. Please kill me. He is too perfect!

'I.. Uh... Was wondering, what you suggest I read or look at before or next class' he frowned, looking surprised.

'You.. Want extra work?' The frown turned into a smirk. Oooh lord.

'No... I just, uh... Like to be prepared for my classes... All the teachers know me well, so they do it without me asking... But you don't know me... So, I thought I'd ask' I smiled. He watched me. I wonder what he is thinking. I want to know what he is thinking.

'I know you, Avery... Student leader. The perfect student. Loved by everyone in school' he smiled. 'Read chapters 1 and 2, that's all until Thursday' he stood. Oh, he is tall. He gets more perfect by a second. His beautiful blue eyes compliment his white smile.

'Ohh. Good, hopefully you'll like me too... I mean, uh.. As a student.... One that, uh, obeys and... Stuff' oh god, way to play it cool. He chuckled.

'We will see' he laughed, is he teasing me? I sure hope so!

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