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Mum = Amelia or Mila

Maman = Lara

Vera had just closed the door to the bathroom. I then heard a knock on the door so I opened it. Duomo had a bright smile on his face.

"Ready for school?!" Before I could answer, I heard a loud groan from my bathroom.

"I hate alcohol!"

"Remember, V... house full of wolves, so they can hear you." I sighed.

"I don't care anymore!" She groaned. "Alcohol is the devil's drink." Duomo chuckled at her.

"Maybe we should skip today."

"No can do, principessa. Your parents are working from home today, so no skipping for you." He smirked.

"Ugh! Come on, V." She groaned at my voice, but eventually came out the bathroom.

"Here." I handed her some glasses.

She muttered a thanks and walked behind us. Ellio greeted us with a bright smile, but Vera flipped him off. Ellio chuckled and put his hands up in mock defense. The chef handed us our food, which we took in the car since we were late. Vera groaned and kept yelling at Duomo to drive at a snail's pace. She was still feeling the after effects of the alcohol.

"Damn, how much did you have to drink?" Ellio looked at her.

"Too much." She closed her eyes. "What did I even drink?"

"Lots and lots of tequila." I answered and began scrolling through my phone.

Duomo chuckled and continued driving. Vera made Ellio rub her tummy. Duomo and I smirked at a blushing Ellio, but he didn't stop comforting her. When we got to school, Vera had sobered up enough to walk inside. She somehow was engaged during the lecture which impressed me.

Lecture quickly came to a close, so we went off to our respective classes. I was walking down the halls when I sensed an annoying presence. I refused to stop and kept walking, but that presence was getting closer. I groaned when I sensed her right behind me.

"Can I please talk to you?" I ignored Naomi and kept walking. "Hey!" She grabbed my wrist so I shot her a harsh glare. "Look, I'm sorry. I crossed the line. I never should've brought your mother into the argument. I was out of line."

"You're just realizing that?!"

"No, I realized it the moment I said it." Her shoulders slumped. "I wanted to apologize, but you sped off. I also knew you wouldn't see me if I went to your house." She sighed. "I'm really sorry."

"I'm also sorry that I threw your species in your face." I sighed. "I was also out of line."

"I'm sorry I slept with that girl."

"You have nothing to apologize for." I averted my eyes. "It's your life, so you can do whoever you want." I turned to leave, but she caught my wrist.

"I know it doesn't excuse my actions, but I was so hungry." She looked down. "The truth is that I hadn't fed in days. My brother exaggerated what I did with other women to rile you up... I didn't sleep with them, which left me starving." She sighed. "I then saw you at the club and..." She blushed. "I felt ravenous." She muttered. "I didn't want to hurt you, so I... I found someone to fill me." She looked down.

"Why do you even care about me?" I looked at her.

"I-I cannot say." She looked down. "I'd like to protect your innocence." She whispered.

"Like my virginity?" I was so confused.

"No." She softly smiled. "Something else, but I don't want to bring it up now." We looked up when the bell rang. "See you later." She left before I had the chance to call her back. Ugh!

By the time lunch had arrived, Vera was feeling much better. I looked at Mel, but she looked like the alcohol hardly affected her. She must've had a much higher tolerance than Vera. Mel had a nervous/ happy aura around her. She smiled widely and motioned for me to sit next to her. I glanced at Vera, who also arched a brow. Normally, I was seated between Romeo and Vera. Now, Mel wanted me between her and Marco. I gave Vera a reassuring smile before sitting next to Mel.

Mel smiled and then looked away to speak to Romeo. I felt her place her hand on my thigh. I could see her observing me through her peripheral vision. Because of that, I gave a small smile and turned to speak to Marco. I could feel the happiness and relief radiating off Mel. However... I could feel the anger wafting off an individual a few tables away.

I tried to resist the urge, but my craving was too intense. I turned to see Naomi practically consumed by rage. Her hands were formed into fists and her eyes had a pinkish tint. She needed to calm down before she outed herself!

I intently stared at Vera, so she'd begin to feel uncomfortable. She scrunched up her brows and then faced me with a smile. When she saw where my eyes were looking, she flinched. She began to quickly think of something.

"Marco!" She startled him. "What are you doing later?" He was about to answer, but she cut him off. "Nothing? That's great! We should all go to Villa Rosa!"

Marco excitedly moved, causing me to subtly move Mel's hand away. She was staring daggers at him, but I acted like I couldn't see. Marco then lightly punched Romeo's arms.

"Bruh, you can totally bring her to lover's den." He wiggled his brows at Romeo and gestured to Mel and I.

"Y-Ya." Romeo stuttered. "What do you say?" He flirted.

I could tell he was trying to flirt with Mel, but she thought he was speaking to me. She pushed her chair back and left in a huff. Romeo and Marco were confused about what just happened. I also heard a screech across the room, so I looked to see Naomi standing up. Rocco tried to grab her wrist, but she slapped his hand away and left. What's up with those two?

"I'm so confused." Romeo turned to Marco. "I thought she liked me."

"You guys sure are clueless." Vera rolled her eyes. "And I mean all of you." She directed her last comment to me. Me? What did I do?

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