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Mum = Amelia or Mila

Maman = Lara

I was holding Vera's hair back for the third time this morning. She woke up with a serious hangover. She literally was glued to the toilet. I scrunched up my nose at the smell. Times like these are why I hate having heightened senses. When she was done, I flushed the toilet. I then helped her sit on the bed.

"I really am jealous of your ability to be immune to alcohol and its effects." She gagged, but held down the contents in her stomach. I wasn't sure if there was anything left in her stomach after how much she threw up.

"Yep, I'm the real winner here." I pushed her hair behind her ear. "Do you think you can go downstairs?" I squatted in front of her.

"Do I look ready?" She gagged. "I feel like literal death." She groaned. "I need water before I can leave."

"I'll go get you some water, okay?" I smiled at her. She gave me a half nod.

I made sure Vera wouldn't die before leaving the room. I quietly closed the door. I had no idea where the kitchen was. I also didn't realize how big this villa was. I tried to smell the scent of food to determine which direction to walk in. I caught the scent of eggs, so I figured that was the best course of action. I followed the scent down the stairs.

I was expecting to see Naomi, not the man I met at the club. I believe he said he was the owner. He saw me and gave me a seductive smirk. He swiveled around so his body was facing me. His eyes slowly racked over my body before settling on my eyes. He briefly licked his lips.

"Hmm... Buongiorno bellissima signora." (Good morning beautiful lady)

"Good morning." I replied.

"What's your name, gorgeous?" He looked me up and down again. "I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo."

"Zena." I shortly answered. I sensed Naomi coming closer.

"Hmm... did you spend the night with my sister?" I turned to see Naomi shooting daggers at her brother. "You turn around your women quick." He chuckled, but I scrunched up my brows. "You had a girl in the morning. Another in the afternoon... and then a red head last night." He then scratched his facial hair. "Did you engage in an orgy with the red head because I had sensed two girls in your room before she arrived." He smirked.

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. She had been sleeping with women earlier in the day. After she made sure Vera and I went to bed, she had a girl come over. She clearly slept with the girl since I saw the redhead walk into the room. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was smudged. Naomi glanced at the girl and opened her mouth to say something, but the redhead kissed her. I tore my gaze away when I saw the red head stick her tongue in Naomi's mouth.

"Quella è stata la notte migliore che abbia mai avuto. La tua lingua e le tue dita sono davvero magiche. Dobbiamo scopare di nuovo." (That was the best night I ever had. Your tongue and fingers are truly magical. We have to fuck again) She left a lingering kiss on Naomi's lips before leaving.

"Ugh!" We turned to see Vera entering. "Where's the water?" She rubbed her head.

I grabbed the water bottle out Leo's hand. His eyes widened when I shoved it in Vera's hands. I then told her we were leaving. I grabbed her wrist and yanked her behind me. When we got outside, Vera needed a moment to vomit on their yard. I didn't mind if she covered their entire house in vomit.

"Zena!" Naomi shouted and ran after me. "Wait!" She grabbed my wrist, but I ripped it free. "Please, let me explain." She pleaded.

"What?! That you slept with another girl while I was asleep in YOUR room!" I don't know why I was getting so worked up about this? We weren't together, but-

"Zena, I-"

"What kind of girl are you?! You just fuck anything that moves!"

"You know I was hungry and the only way to satiate my hunger is-"

"Lust." I cut her off. "And fucking. I get it." I bitterly spoke. "I get that you're a succubus who has to sleep around."

"You think I like hoeing myself around?!" She yelled. "There's only one way for me to survive and that's sexual arousal!"

"Gotcha." I rolled my eyes and looked at Vera. She was throwing up again, so I had a little more time to chew Naomi out. "It's just disgusting." I muttered, but she heard me.

"Disgusting?!" She was offended. "What's the difference between me and a vampire?! They take blood and most of the time... they kill people! I only consume their lustful aura!"

"At least vampires have access to blood bags. They aren't required to kill or sleep around." I narrowed my eyes.

"You act as if every vampire hasn't killed an innocent." She took a step towards me. "What's the difference between your mother and me?" My eyes widened at her audacity to bring my mother into the argument. "She's killed and seduced thousands of victims. Do you know when victims climax it's the prime time for vampire's to drain them dry?! Your mother also fucked and killed countless girls! So what's the fucking-" I slapped her across the face.

"Never speak about my mother again." I saw the reflection of my gold eyes glowing in her eyes. She gulped and took a step back. "Know your boundaries." I growled out.

I then picked up Vera and sped her to my home. I placed her on my bed and turned her on her side. I then sped to the bathroom to retrieve the trash can. I arrived just before she threw up. I held her hair and rubbed her back. She finally stopped and looked at me.

"Won't your parents be mad that I'm hungover?" She hugged the trash can.

"My parents aren't saints. They probably wouldn't care about underage drinking, especially since I can't get drunk." I shrugged.

"Okay. Thanks again." I gave her a smile.

"I'll text your parents that you're spending the night here." She gave me a thumbs up before throwing up again. 

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