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Mum = Amelia or Mila

Maman = Lara

I wanted to speak to Naomi today. I actually baked some cookies as a thanks for her help. I may have also had an ulterior motive. I wanted to ask her about being a succubi and why she was obsessed with me. It made no sense to me since she had most of the student body lusting after her. I didn't understand why she was interested in me.

I saw her speaking with her friends. I debated turning around, but she sensed me. She quirked a brow at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and approached her. Her friends were looking at me in a mocking manner. I slightly shook as I got closer to her. I think she sensed my nerves and her friends' off putting energy. She did something that shocked all of us.

She ignored them and walked towards me. She took my hand and guided me to an empty classroom. She closed the door before hopping onto the teacher's desk. She crossed her legs while eyeing me. She picked her nails as she spoke.

"What do you want?"

"To thank you." I sort of shoved the box into her hands. "As a thank you for yesterday." She rose a brow, but took the box. She actually ate a cookie and gave a satisfied smile.

"Good." She swallowed it. "Now, the real reason." I shuddered under the intensity of her gaze.

"Umm... my brother-"

"He's not your brother Zena." She cut me off. "You and I both know that. He's your bodyguard, isn't he?" Damn, her intense eyes!

"You can refer to him however you please." I sat on a desk. "He mentioned something about you-"

"The wolf mentioned I'm a succubi." She stated instead of asking. I simply nodded. "And you're here to ask if that's true?" I actually didn't know if that was the reason I was here. I believed Duomo, so I wasn't really here for her confirmation . "How about this?" She jumped off the desk.

I gulped when she sauntered up to me. She gently placed her hands on my thighs before roughly spreading them. I gasped when she positioned herself between my thighs. She arched her back, so that her lips almost touched mine. I held in a breath at our close proximity.

"Do you know what a succubi needs to survive?" She purred.

"Umm... l-lust or uh... l-like-"

"I think you got the idea."Her hands slowly advanced up my thigh. I whimpered under her seductive touches. "So you understand what I need?" I saw her eyes flit between pink and red. "And you sure have a very lustful aura surrounding you." She sniffed along my neck. "It smells so delicious." She purred.

Then, she surprised me. She pulled away. She gave me a smirk as she took in my flustered state. She had the nerve to actually fix the collar of my shirt!

"So you can make your own assumption if your guard is correct or not. I'll neither confirm nor deny his accusation." She seductively whispered into my ear. "See you around, Miss Ricci." She nipped my ear before leaving.

It took me a moment to collect myself. When I did, my eyes widened. How did she know who I was?! She knew my real identity! Shit! I jumped up and raced out the classroom to find her. I tried searching the halls, but she basically disappeared. I turned the corner and didn't immediately see her friends.

"What's up, loser?" I jolted at Naomi's friends. It was weird that Naomi wasn't with them. She really just left.

"Do you know how much of a misery you've made? Everything was fine before your arrival!" One of them shoved me. Okay, what's her problem.

"Why don't you go back to where you came from?" Another girl shoved me down.

"What is it about you that has Naomi interested?"

A girl kicked my stomach. I fought the urge to rip her apart. My demon really wanted to fight back, but I had to keep her at bay. I couldn't start a fight here. Times like these made me grateful Dr. Abramovich had severed the bond between me and my wolf (the main reason why I can't shift into a wolf anymore). It was kind of an anomaly that I shifted when I escaped the warehouse. Ever since that day, I haven't been able to shift back. I actually have no idea what my wolf's name is since I can't communicate with her.

"Actually, girls." One of them gave a smirk to the others. "I have an idea. Help me!" She then yanked me up.

The others helped her drag me to a closet. I tried to fight against them, but not with my enhanced strength. They were able to trip me and shove me into a custodian closet. I scrambled up to rush out, but they slammed the door in my face. I tried turning the knob, but it was an automatic lock.

"Please! Let me out!" I began tugging on the handle. "Please! Please! I can't be left here!" I cried out.

"Why? Scared of the dark?" They cackled.

"Please!" I sank to the ground. "I can't go back there!"

"You know what you've done." Dr. Abramovich shook his head with a grin. "You were born." He snarled before shutting the door.

I raced to the door and tried opening it. I hissed at the silver and Wolfsbane lining the handle. My hands were burning, so I wiped them on the ground. I was panicking because I couldn't see anything. Soon, my vision adapted to the pitch blackness.

I slowly walked and turned in circles. There was no one here. No one. Where is everyone? Why did they leave me alone?

"H-Hello?" I called out, only to be met with silence. "Hello!" Still nothing. "Please, someone speak to me!"

I sat down and held my knees. I was whimpering like a scared child. I just wanted my moms. I rested my head against my knees and balled like a baby.

I'm not sure how long I've been trapped in isolation, but I've also been starved. My body was exhausted. I was about to succumb to sleep, when a sound like knives on a chalkboard resounded through the room. I quickly covered my ears, but the sound didn't cease.

After a while, the noise stopped. I then tried to lie down, only for that noise to begin again. I covered my ears and sat up. The noise then stopped. I realized they were trying to sleep deprive me. This was utter torture.

The sleep deprivation continued for a few more days. I've lost count at this point. I felt myself wasting away on the ground. I couldn't close my eyes, out of fear of the noise. Then, they tortured me again with the sound. Unlike before, the sound never stopped.

"Zena!" I opened my eyes to see Vera before me. "Oh my god!" She embraced me and calmed me down. "You're okay now." She rubbed my back. "You're safe, now."

"How'd you open the door?" I knew it had an auto lock on it and you needed a key to actually unlock it.

"I just opened the door." She quickly answered, but I could detect hints of magical energy around us.

"You're a witch." I whispered into her shoulder. She stiffened at my words. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone." I hugged her tighter.

"I'm-I'm not-"

"Do you know who I am?" She looked confused at my words. "You may know me better as Zena Ricci." Her eyes widened at my reveal. "Yep, so now we both know each other's secret." I buried my face in her chest and sighed. "Can we stay like this a bit longer?" I felt her arms tighten around me.

Strangling My Voice: Zena's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now