The Unknown

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Previously on In the End... 

"Ugh. Finally! I've been knowing that for three years and you still haven't figured it out! Is this entire city really that ignorant?!"


"Master, please wake up. The Ladybug is in desperate trouble." Wayzz called in Fu's ear who was meditating on this night.

"I know. Cat Noir and Viperion will come and have already revealed themselves to each other, but not to Ladybug."

They heard a knock.

"Come in." he saw Viperion and Cat Noir come in. 

Viperion held Marinette who remained to have her eyes closed. And Cat Noir gently set Tikki down in front of him.

Cobra set her down where Master Fu directed him to.

"Did anyone follow you?"

"No." the blond answered. And if anyone did, they would be knocked out by this cat hero. He knew he had to restrain himself so he didn't become what he feared. The enemy. He looked back to Marinette.

Both heroes de-transformed right in front of Master Fu.

Master Fu sighed to himself. He honestly blamed himself for this madness. Blaming Adrien would only make things worse. He was honestly so proud that Marinette had managed to get this far as Ladybug. He did sense an ancient spell had been cast upon Tikki.

This was something he had never seen before. Or was even taught. All, he knew was how ancient this was. The spell itself must have been over three thousand years old. He set his hands on his temples to think for a moment. Then he looked at the limp girl in the blue-haired boy's arm.

He got up from where he sat and made it comfortable there. "Lay her down here, Viperion."

Luka set her down on the ground. He made sure her head laid comfortably on a small pillow.

Her arms were on her side and it seemed she was still in pain whether she knew it or not.

Both boys just kept looking down at her. Obviously, they cared a lot about her. They didn't know what they would do if they lost her. Perhaps stay sad forever because no one was like her. Sweet, funny, kind, pure of heart.

Sass, Wayzz, and Plagg floated down towards Tikki who was near Marinette's head. The poor kwami was as still as her holder. She whimpered in pain, trying to fight off this ancient spell.

These kwamis were here for millions of years. They had to know something beyond the knowledge that the guardian of the Miraculous knew, right?

None of them spoke. It was only silence.

Adrien kissed the back of one of her hands.

"This is ancient magic."

"Magic?" both boys questioned.

The guardian of the Miraculous turned away from them. His shoulders fell. "I do not know how to reverse this mess. I would ask you kwamis, but I am unsure of what your answers could possibly be." he held his arms behind his back. "I do trust you all. But if Hawkmoth manages to break Tikki, she could be akumatized."

"Marinette be akumatized?" the blond asked as he took his hand off of Marinette's.

"Not Marinette. Tikki. Kwamis can be very vulnerable to other Miraculouses." he sighed again. Actually, he had no clue what he was to do.

Sass kept looking down and glancing at Plagg.

"My sugar cube!" Plagg cried out.

This time, the black cat kwami wasn't purposely being dramatic about cheese. He was wallowing about his loss to Tikki. So he laid himself next to her. "Someone has to know how to reverse this!"

"We won't know unless we try to get in contact with Hawkmoth from a safe distance."

"What?! We can't just give up and let him get the black cat ring and the ladybug earrings!"

Fu put his hand up to silence everyone who had started to freak out over a plan. "Is there anything that could be better?"

Sass had been staring at the Miracle box for minutes on end. He knew something. "I need time to try and figure out thisss ssspell."

Fu looked up. "You know what it is?"


"What is it?"

"It'sss a sssspell from the dark agessss. Ussed to ssslowly desstroy anything." Clearly, Sass had no clue how to reverse the damage.

The miraculous ladybugs wouldn't be strong enough to keep fighting off this spell.

Luka gave some peanut butter to Sass. It was a small jar of it.

"And if an akuma comes, what are we to do without Ladybug?" Adrien asked. He kept looking down at the blunette.

"Only Ladybug can purify the akumas." he had a hand on his chin, rubbing it gently. "We do not want the akumas to multiply and become more. We have to find Hawkmoth and bring him down."

"Then what?"

"His Miraculous shall be returned to the Miracle box and Paris will no longer need superheroes."

Adrien mouth dropped. "I don't want it to end like this."

"Do you have any possible suggestions, Cat Noir?"

"Can we try Sass' way?"

"It might take a melanin for him to figure it out." Wayzz said quietly.


"Aren't you supposed to be with Nino?" Adrien questioned.

Sass and the blond were asking a lot of questions to Wayzz who was answering as best as he could.

"I don't mean to offend you. Nino isn't as wise as Fu is. I may not be by his side right now, but he's hanging out with his gjrlfriend."

"Oh please. Just ask her out already!" Plagg said, sitting up and narrowing his eyes at Adrien.

"But, she doesn't even like me anymore! She probably hates me after I dated Lila.."

"If you would quit talking about the passst and make yourssself pressentable to her, maybe sssshe'll fall back in love with you."

Luka narrowed his eyes. "You know well that I like her too." he pointed at Sass' chest who gave him this creepy smile.


They all turned their heads to Master Fu. "There is no time to figure out who she'll fall for I need you all concentrated. I need for you." he gave direct eye contact to the blond. "Transform. Call up the rest of the team. Have them meet on the rooftop of this building. And you, Viperion, I would like to have a word with you."

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