Luka's Love; Adrien's obliviousness

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Previously on In the End... 

Tikki couldn't protect her. That pain would go through her and then through Marinette. She wasn't prepared for all of this. She could hear Marinette giving a cry of pain and feel them both falling.


In these past weeks, Marinette and Luka only grew closer. As Cobra, he would protect his Ladybug. If Cat Noir decided to flirt with his girl, he would sort of get defensive. Though, Luka never told Marinette that he knew she was Ladybug. He didn't want her to freak out and end up having another breakdown. Now, he wasn't one for talking. He was rather one who could strum a small melody and let that be how any girl felt. To him, every girl's dream was a boy like him or Adrien. A pianist or guitarist who could just light the girls' worlds. He was going to create a song for her. She meant that much to him.

He also loved those small visits from Marinette.

Then again, he never wanted to see her cry. When the bullying had started, her demeanor only got more exhausted. She was just done with it. He knew she was a strong girl. He thought of her as amazing. What could possibly be better than a sweet and kind girl like herself? She had brought him a box of macaroons for him and his family. They were sweet. Perhaps the macaroons were a thank you present.

Back when Marinette was being bullied by Lila, he promised himself that he would never lay a finger on her or hurt her. Even his sister Juleka tried to persuade him that she was a bad person. He had never witnessed her doing anything that could harm anyone. Sure, she was crazy about Adrien, but he just wanted to let her know that she didn't have to chase after a boy who didn't acknowledge her feelings. He wanted her to know that if she were to go and be with him, she would be able to lay with him anytime. They could go ice skating. Or get some ice cream.

He wondered if she could sing. He could be her Romeo to her Juliet.

He simply couldn't find the words to express himself. All he could do was smile and again, strum a melody.

When he did find out that Ladybug was Marinette, definitely was not disappointed. "That girl is amazing.." he couldn't help, but be more proud of her. She put the lives of others before herself. And her alley cat partner would do the same for her.

He wasn't one to just take girls all willy nilly. All this blue-haired boy wanted was to protect the blunette from all of the hurt. But she wouldn't emotionally grow if he kept her away from all of the hurt in the world.

Juleka would come into his room. She had her hands clutched together over her chest.

"Juleka," he said with a cold, yet kind voice. "I can't force her to talk to you. Deep down, I know she'll forgive you one day." he set his guitar to the side and stood up.

As his younger sister walked closer to him, he set both of his hands on her shoulders. "Ever since I met her, she has been the melody of my heart."

The younger girl looked up at him and punched his arm. It didn't do anything. "You like her?"

"Girls.." he would mumble to himself.

His sister would give him a small wink. "Does she know?"

"I'm sure she already knows." he turned his head to face the window and then look back down at his sister. "I'm not going to dive in and take her by the hand just yet. She still needs to recover." he would hug her.

And she would hug back.


Adrien was super bummed when Marinette declined the offer of getting a ride home in his car. To him, Gorilla and Nathalie approved of her. She wasn't as crazy as Lila, which at one point when he was dating her, forced herself to be with him.

"Lila...please. I don't want to get Nathalie and Gorilla to get in trouble with my father. I have more-"

The liar simply flicked her hair back, not caring a bit if she would get the driver and Gabriel's assistant in trouble. All she cared about was her time with Adrien. That's what boyfriend and girlfriend did.

Behind the blond's back, she would glare at any girls who eyed her Adrien. Was she not clear enough?! This was her man! If any girls were jealous, so what? They should have gotten their chance before she took what was hers'.

"But Adrien!" she said to him in a begging, whiny voice. "You promised me! I thought you loved me! D-Do you not love me?" she began to fake cry, which to Adrien seemed like real crying.

"No, no, no. Please don't cry! I just don't want you to get into trouble!" he pulled her close to him and held her.

Her head was on his shoulder and her arms were wrapped around him.

Adrien already felt bad. But Nino and Alya and the rest of his friends supported his relationship with Lila. And Marinette...why couldn't she just be happy that he was with someone who understood him?!

He would confront her later. Maybe even stop being friends with her. He had already stopped being friends with Chloe when she said to him that she was looking out for him. Looking out for him? Chloe was downgrading his girlfriend. "She would never lie to me."

And it was like he had forgotten all about her lie of being best friends with Ladybug and have a descendant who was a superhero.

Plagg had tried to reason with the boy as well, but he ignored him and kept stuffing his pockets with stinky camembert to shut him up.

There was nothing bad about Lila. Nothing. If his father didn't accept him and her together, so what? He had already lost his mother and he also felt like he was slowly pulling away from his father.

So, this dumb boy decided to let Lila in and help her finish her homework. And before she left, she just had to get a selfie with him with her kissing his cheek. The text would say 'my future husband', which Adrien had no knowledge to until he allowed himself to see the truth in Lila..

He put his hands over his face and groaned.

Plagg on the other hand was stuffed. He said he would never eat that cheese ever again, but don't worry, he would bump back up in the morning.

"Plagg, can I ask you a question?"

"You already did." the kwami laid beside him. At least laid in the pillow where it was cuddly and he was out of sight if the room to Adrien's door opened.

"Do you know what was wrong with Marinette?"

"How should I know? She isn't a miraculous holder like you and Chloe." he knew the truth, but was already threatened by Tikki. Not exactly threatened, but a look of warning. He really didn't want to lose his sugarcube.

"You have to know more than just that! Why didn't Ladybug show herself when she de-akumatized Marinette? Do you know where she is?"

"Us kwamis aren't allowed to say who is who. But all I can tell you is that before you dated Lila, you told Kagami something. Does she's just a friend ring a bell?" Plagg snickered to himself.

"Just a friend?"

And this is the day where Plagg groaned and went back to his stash of cheese after hours of saying he was tired of his sweet, gooey cheese.

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