Love Isn't Just Black and White

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Yes hello there! If there are any Shadowhunter fans out there reading this. Yes. This story is basically a replica of the Malec wedding scene of the show, just with John and Sherlock and a few adjustments xD.

Sherlock sat down on his sofa in 221B Baker Street. Alone. It was an hour until Johns wedding with this random girl he can't remember the name of, (Not Mary) and despite Sherlocks constant flirting John insisted on marrying her for the good of his family.

Sherlock thought back to earlier that day when John had come to collect something.

"Hello" John said walking into the apartment.

"Hello John," Sherlock started, John was about to say something but he beat him to it, "know how I hate to drink alone". He finished passing John a drink.

"I'm not here to drink, Sherlock. I've just come to collect some things." he spoke, placing the drink on a table.

Sherlock watched as John picked up some things from the area he used to sit in. Before he was going to walk out, Sherlock stood in front of him and spoke, "just..tell me you love her. Just once. Then I'll leave you alone."

John hesitate and mumbled an "I..don't know.."  then he spoke again, louder this time, "I'm marrying Molly for the good of my family Sherlock. You have to understand that."

"Yes I understand that! But shouldn't everyone deserve to love whoever they want?" Sherlock protested.

"Love isn't just black and white," he continued, "there more like...symptoms.." he walked up to John and began circling him,
"your heart beats faster.." John went tense, his heart rate picking up as Sherlock grew closer,
"you loose your breath every time they walk into a room"  Sherlock whispered close enough for John to feel Sherlocks breath on his neck.

Before he could continue, John stopped him. "Stop!" He almost whimpered, "y-you're confusing me!"  He spun around and Sherlock stepped back and said, "I won't ask again."

Then he was gone.

Sherlock was sat in silence for a good 10 minutes thinking about his interaction with John when he heard a voice. His deceased friend Mary's voice. "Oh go after him. Crash the wedding!"

There she was, The ghost of Mary sitting in the chair opposite him.
"I've already tried but to no avail. There's no point" he replied.

"You know Sherlock. This is the first time you've opened your heart to in years. Someday someone will tear down those walls you've built around your heart. And when that love comes..You must do everything in your power to fight for it." Mary said smiling.

"You're right.." a smile crept on Sherlocks lips. He suddenly stood up and made his way to the door. "Even in death, you still give the best advice"

"You should take it more often." Mary replied a sarcastic smile on her face as he faded away. Before she was gone Sherlock heard her say, "now go get him."

*queue war of hearts playing*

The wedding had already began 7 minutes ago. John was questioning every fibre of his being. The truth is, he was very much a homosexual. He didn't want to marry Molly but his family gave him no other choice.

It was time to recite the vows. God John didn't want this. He really didn't.

Just as they were about to recite the vows, they all heard a door open. Then someone rounded the corner. It was Sherlock.

They were just staring at eachother, like they were the only people in the room.

John felt his heart beat quicken and he whispered to himself, "I can't breathe." His fiancé Molly then whispered back. "'s ok."

John then began walking towards Sherlock. His mother came up to him and tried convincing him to turn around. "Enough" John said, not breaking eye contact with Sherlock.

He then grabbed Sherlock by his collar and pulled him into a kiss full of passion and desperation.

The kiss felt like it lasted forever, even though it was only roughly 15 seconds.

When they broke apart Sherlock whispered, "you continue to surprise me.."


Johnlock OneShots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora