Always By My Side Pt2

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Day 2 (because he kinda already lived through day 1 with the whole Sherlock ghost and Mary coming back to life thing)

John woke up next to his amazing wife. Alive. He smiled to himself. He was so happy that he could finally see her again but he couldn't help but feel like a giant chunk of his life was missing.

He set off to work early that day. Then he came across Mike Stamford. "Morning Mike!" He said.

Mike looked up at him and said "John? It's been months! How are you? How's Mary?"

John hesitated for a moment. He forgot that Mary was still alive. "We're doing alright thanks Mike."

They talked for about half an hour before Mike said "so...are you visiting Greg today? He says you haven't visited the mental hospital since he was sent there.."

John was taken back by his words "mental hospital? What happened?!"

"Don't you remember? After he found out about Sherlocks death he killed Molly in hopes that Sherlock would show up and solve the murder..he's mad... I thought you had gone mad too. Ever since his death you told us you kept seeing him in dreams. You even quit working with Scotland Yard after 2 weeks of saying you wanted to keep his memory alive."

John was stunned. "Look I really have to go..I'll be late for work.." he then ran off towards work. Wherever that was.

Day 3, 4, 5 and 6

All the days were the same after that.. it's was so mundane.. wake up next to Mary, eat breakfast, go to work, lunch, more work, get home, watch TV with Mary, sleep. And it just repeated over and over and over.

John knew that Sherlock was a big and fascinating part in his life..but did he really need him that much?

On the night of day 6 he decided to go clean the least that was something productive. Over the past week John had grown more and more depressed. He missed his best friend.

As he was shuffling through a box he found a crutch..his old crutch. From being back with Mary his phycosmatic limp was slowly returning. When he touched the crutch memories of Sherlock came flooding back.
The first time they met, the first crime they solved, the last crime they solved, the laughs, the fights....oh god the fight.. John remembered what happened that night..

"I wish it was you and not Mary!" His own words echoed through his mind. He immediately felt guilt. So much guilt..

"John've been up here for hours. Time for bed." Mary said peaking her head through the attic door. John nodded and went downstairs.

"Wake up John." He heard a male voice say. It was "Sherlock."

"It's time to make a decision..will you stay or return to the life you lived before?" It asked.

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