Chapter 45 - Shady business

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"Sorry for constantly bothering you, but can you please take Amara and her siblings to get their room sorted?"

Jessie brightly smiled at him, "It's my pleasure!"

Contrary to Austin's thoughts, Jessie had never once thought that being with Amara was a chore. In reality, she enjoyed spending time with her; after all, who wouldn't when they have the opportunity to interact with such a beautiful person every day? It was basically free eye candy, plus she was really happy being by her side, it's even gotten to the point that Felix is envious of the amount of time they've spent together.

The three men were left behind as Jessie led them up the stairwell. Jackson's gaze was fixed on Lairith's figure until she disappeared.

Once they were out of sight, Felix's expression turned several degrees colder. He handed Austin a file that contained reports about a pack a few miles away from them about members of their pack going missing. The strange thing about this was that it wasn't the pack leaders that filed this report but the citizens. Usually, this type of situation would be handled by their pack leaders, but it's been months since they said they'd investigate with no progress being made. Since then, thirteen more wolves have gone missing.

Felix was furious when he learned of the case. He suspected the alpha of kidnapping his own members and selling them to an illegal slave trafficking ring based on the contents of the report. Werewolf trafficking was extremely uncommon. They, along with the human government, were adamant about keeping werewolves a secret.

Contrary to many beliefs, humans and werewolves have co-existed for many years. Only a small number of people, known as hunters, would go out of their way to kill werewolves. Fortunately, since they had little protection from the government, these people were hunted by both humans and werewolves. And, to keep both species in line, any decision that had an effect on either side was discussed by both species.

If what he suspected was correct, and that that pack was selling their own members, the organisation to which they were sold to must have a lot of power, considering their ability to go unnoticed. Since neither humans nor werewolves took trafficking lightly, he rushed to Austin after reading this report.

"Austin, it's serious." Felix said after he handed him the file. Austin opened it and began reading. The further he read, the more his eyes darkened. Once he finished, his hand was fiercely gripping onto the file, inches away from tearing it apart.

After becoming the Vermillion pack's alpha, Austin travelled around the continent, battling against other alphas who treated their packs cruelly. Perhaps as a result of his own experiences, he had no tolerance for those who mistreated their pack. Austin became one of the most feared alpha in the world as a result of this, and his name alone deterred many packs from doing bad things.

"What pack is it?" His voice was low, his words intertwined with killing intent.

Felix fiddled with his glasses, pushing them up before giving the name, "The Ombres pack."

"And they've already reported it to their alpha?"

"Yes. They said that they would launch a full investigation two months ago, but there's been no progress and since then, thirteen more people have gone missing."

Austin's jaw locked as his eyes burned with anger.

"Aren't the Ombres pack one of the biggest packs in this continent?" asked Jackson.

One would think that the size of a pack would determine its strength, but despite the Vermillion pack having half the number of people, they were still leagues ahead of them in terms of strength.

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