No Wan' Needles! (Jungkook Littlespace Sickfic)

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"It's alright. Just sit with him on the bed. In that way, I'll be able to examine him."

I did as he said. I sat beside him, still holding his hand and rubbed his shoulder with other hand. His head was still lowered down. The doctor sat on a chair in front of Jungkook and ruffled his hair.

"No need to be afraid of anything little bean. I'm here to make your ouchie go away... I won't hurt you" the doctor said and smiled brightly.
Jungkook somehow looked at him and smiled back weakly.

"Let's get over with the check up quickly. Lie him down on his back and lift up his shirt."

I did as the doctor said and sat beside him at the edge of the bed, patting his head to calm him down. The doctor pressed his upper abdomenal area when he winced with pain and looked at me with misty eyes.

"Hyungie... Ouchie..."

"Koo~ it's over now. Shh..." I cooed.

"It's because of gas. When did you give him the medication which I prescribed earlier?"

"Almost 3 hours ago."

"Hmm. It's alright. For now, I'll have to give him a shot. Give him the same medicines at night. He'll be okay  tomorrow" the doctor said and left to bring the shot.

He was still lying on the bed when he asked, "H-hyungie... Ish doctor uncwle gunn' giv me an o-ouchie....?" He was looking at me with wet eyes and quivering lower lip. He was dying to hear a 'no'.

"You want the ouchie in your stomach to go away, right honeybun?" I asked, patting his head lovingly.

The younger nodded in response, eyes still misty and red.

"For that, doctor uncle is gonna give you a small prick.... And it won't hurt much, I promise" I said with a sympathetic smile.

"N-no... I dun wann'. I pwomise I'll take 'icky medicine but I dun wann' ouchie" he cried and shook his head in disagreement, squeezing my hand even tighter.

"Baby... I know you are scared but I'm gonna be with you the whole time, okay? And I'll tell the doctor to do it very gently."

I was trying to calm down the younger when the doctor arrived with the needle in his pocket so that Jungkook didn't freak out. When he saw the doctor coming towards us, he curled up in a ball out of fear.

"Is he ready?"

"Yeah, he is just a bit scared that it'll hurt a lot. Be gentle with him" I said to the doctor, knowing that Jungkook was listening to every word carefully.

"Yeah, I'll be extra gentle with him. It's not gonna be painful so don't worry. Just lie him on his stomach and I'll do the shot in a second."

"Koo, did you hear that? The doctor won't hurt you. Now turn around like a good boy" I cooed, helping him to get into the position. I sat on the chair just in front of him, holding his hands in mine and talking to distract him from the needle.

"D-daddy.... sca'wed..." Jungkook whimpered, eyes brimmed with fat tears.

"It's gonna be okay hun. You are my brave boy, right?" I caressed his face.

"Hmm..." he hiccuped, a big drop of tear trailing down his left eye.

"Shh..... Relax baby... Relax!" I mumbled, wiping of his cheeks and then placing a soft kiss over there.

When he seemed to calm down a bit, the doctor pulled down his trousers and rubbed his left cheek with a cotton swab.

"Hyungie...!!" Jungkook whisper-shouted in a terrified tone, catching the doctor's attention due to which he stopped the work.

"Jungkook is a big brave boy, right?" the male doctor said, ruffling his black hair softly.

The younger didn't want to look scared in front of the doctor, so he nodded meekly without looking at the older, though his tear-stained face in front of me was enough to make anybody feel weak in their knees.

"Then close your eyes and squeeze your hyung's hand if you feel anything, okay? It'll be over before you even know it" the doctor said to keep the boy from being afraid.

With that, he uncapped the needle and adjusted the dosage before inserting it in one go into his muscle. Jungkook squeezed my hand and shut his eyes tightly as instructed by the doctor. He scrunched his nose, trying his best not to burst into tears.

The doctor injected the clear liquid quickly and pulled it out, rubbing the site with a swab gently.

"All done Jungkook... Very good! It wasn't that bad, right?"

" 'mmm..." Jungkook mewled, opening his eyes to look at me. I gave him two thumbs-up and smiled. He kept staring at me blankly.

I made him sit on the bed. He hadn't taken his eyes off me as if he wanted to say something.

"What happened bun?" I asked, cupping his face.

In no time, his face crinkled and his lower lip wobbled. Before a loud sob could escape his mouth, he hid his face in my stomach and hugged my waist tightly.

"H-huwts..." he cried with a muffled voice. I wrapped my arms around him and tried shushing the scared boy, drawing randomly circles on his back. The doctor ruffled his hair and left to dispose of the needle.

"The pain will go away really soon. Don't cry, hm? Hyungie is right here with you baby~ Shh...."

<Time skip>
<Next morning>

"Hyungie! I'm hungry!" he said, hopping into the kitchen.

"Your porridge is almost ready. I'll bring it in your bedroom. Now go and rest."


Though it was an ordeal to get him take the shot, he felt much better the following day. The cheerfulness on his face was back. He was hopping around the house like a bunny since he woke up. I loved to see my baby brother happy and healthy again.

<Not proof-read>

BTS OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora