"But-" I tried to argue.

He held a finger to my lips, "Shh. I'm not going anywhere, Felix. Now please, go to bed."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah."


The next morning I woke up to a thick substance dropping onto my face. I wipe it away and immediately jumped when I saw that it was bird poop.

"Mother fucker-" I started.

"Felix?" Newt called from across the treehouse. "What are you- oh." He turned and burst with laughter, seeing the mess on my face.

"How the-?" He questioned between gasps.

I grumbled, wiping the rest of it away with the bottom of my shirt, "I don't wanna talk about it."

Newt snorted and grabbed the blankets and the cooler. "Well we should head down, we've got work to do."

I groaned, knowing he was right, "Fine."


"Where the fuck have you been?!" Cally yelled at us from the edge of the woods.

I blushed, and held the blankets tighter, remembering that what happened last night wasn't a dream.

"Treeh-" Newt started to explain. However Cally continued to go off on us.

"I tried finding you guys last night for forever! I thought you might wish to hear about the meeting! But nooo! You're off hunting rabbits in the forest or worse!"

My brow scrunched, "Worse?"

Her shoulders slumped and her voice lowered, "I don't know Felix. We thought that maybe the two of you were stuck in the Maze."

"Why would we be anywhere near the Maze?" Newt asked calmly.

Cally crossed her arms, her body language shutting herself off, "Ever since Gally had the grand idea to run into the Maze out of nowhere, it's always been in the back of my head that someone else will two. And worse, it'd be one of my friends. When the two of you went missing... I didn't know what to think!"

I walked up and put my arms around her shoulders, leading her away from the woods, "It's okay, Cal. We're fine, and Hiro knew where we were."

She nods, calming down, "What were you guys even doing anyway? There's so many bugs in those woods at night-" She shuddered. Newt walked up to my other side, discretely holding my hand.

I smirked, "I'll tell you later."

Cally sighed, leaning away from me as we reached the dining hall. "Leah is waiting to give you the debrief. I've got cleaning upstairs to do. Next time you randomly decide to go missing, please tell me. My anxiety would appreciate it very much."

"Of course," I agreed.

After she went upstairs, Newt spoke, "I feel bad..."

I squeezed his hand, "Don't, she'll be okay."

"Well look what the cat dragged in," A new voice announced, sending my hand to go flying out of Newt's.

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