Forty-Three 🌑

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Fortunately, there was no traffic. So, we arrived to the cinema and shopping centre fairly quickly. 

Once we had exited the car, I turned to Kate with an expression of interest. 

"So, where to first?" I asked her. 

In all the time that I had been in my new town, I really hadn't visited the shopping part of it that much. 

I ordered most of my clothes online, and that was when I even ordered new clothes. 

I supposed  I was going to need far more of them, now that I was a wolf. 

The alternative, of course, would be to get naked every time I transformed, but that didn't seem easy. 

"That clothes store over there- see it?" she asked me. 

I hummed in answer. 

"I love it. Let's go to that one," she said. 

I nodded in agreement and the two of us then made our way over to and inside of the clothes store. 

Kate immediately began to move through some coats that were hung up nearby, while I couldn't help but notice as a familiar face entered the store. 

As soon as Kate realised that I wasn't joining her in enthusiastically searching through clothes, she turned with me. 

"Uma?" Kate asked. 

"Hey. What's up, ladies?" Uma asked, as she removed her sunglasses from her face. 

She looked like a supermodel. She probably meant to look like a supermodel, thinking about it. 

"I thought I would do a little clothes shopping. After all, I'll need to buy a new sweater now. In fact," she paused, as she looked straight at Kate, her eyes glowing with irritation, "I think you should buy me one. You're the reason my other one ripped." 

Of course Uma would have changed into a wolf to quickly get to Kate's house, the other night, when it had been ambushed. 

Kate's eyes widened slightly in an apologetic fashion. 

"I'm sorry, Uma," she said. 

"Nah. It's alright. It's a good thing that you're safe. Besides, Z is always telling me that I should be a little less materialistic- that's when he even notices me, at all," Uma replied and she released a sigh, as she gazed down at her nails. 

I couldn't help but feel a little bad for her. I could tell that she truly did like him. At first, I hadn't been so sure. However, she mentioned him far too often to feel any other way for him. 

"Z?" Kate asked. 

"Uma's one true love," I replied, which earnt me a glare from Uma. 

Fortunately, Kate didn't press me for answers after that. So, I didn't have to explain to her that her mathematics teacher also happened to be a werewolf. 

"I'll shop with Kate, Ophelia. Accalia called me earlier and said she couldn't get through to your phone," Uma explained. 

I glanced down at my phone, then, to find that the battery was completely dead. 

Oh, woe is me. 

"Alright. Did she say where she was?" I asked. 

"Here," Accalia replied, as she came to stand beside Uma. "Is that alright? We can meet up with the others later. I just really wanted to talk to you about some things." 

I released a gentle sigh, before I gave a nod of agreement in answer to Accalia's question. 

So, with a swift farewell to Uma and Kate, I made my way out of the shop with Accalia, and the two of us began to walk a short distance away from the main business of the town centre. 

Once we were away from it, Accalia turned to me with some warmth in her gaze. 

"Is everyone alright?" I felt myself ask instinctively. 

She nodded. 

"Yeah. That's not why I came here. Everyone's fine. I thought I would talk to you about wolf magic, though," she said, keeping her voice low as she said it, though I was sure if anyone had heard her, they would probably just think she was talking about some new video game. "Walk with me?" she suggested and I inclined my head in agreement. 

The two of us walked on and Accalia began to speak. 

"So, you already know that wolves are magical creatures. Magic is innate but it can be learnt to be strengthened. My father taught me, along with uncle Z," she said, "It's only used by wolves and those with wolf blood. The difference is that those considered to only have 'wolf blood' and not to be wolves yet are those that haven't gone through the Full Moon Ceremony or reached the age of sixteen," she explained. 

There was a lot to take in, but I was following. 

"The price of using magic is an energy decrease. However, the stronger you get, the more magic you are able to use. Magic users don't need to meet any sort of criteria- but the longer we use our magic, the better we get at it. We can use it to manipulate the world around us- the earth, the emotions of others, we can even heal people. Unfortunately, our current spells do nothing against this vicious virus, but we're working on that. Anyway, what you also need to know is that magic can be strengthened with particular tattoos- namely wolves or moons," Accalia continued to explain. 

I felt my eyes grow a little larger in recognition, then. 

"Like your uncle's," I said quietly. 

Accalia nodded. 

"Exactly," she said. "I don't need to worry too much about that, since I am an alpha wolf, that strengthens my abilities by default. Magic can be combined to increase its strength. If you and I worked together...then we would be unstoppable. However, magic can be defeated by opposite magic. For instance, the way water can extinguish fire- the way fire destroys earth. Magic is respected for the most part, but feared or desired by human kind. It depends who you're speaking to. That's also one of the main reasons why it's written in wolf law to keep our true nature a secret from humanity." 

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