Fifty 🌑

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It was safe to say that there was a tension in the air, surrounding everything that was going on both regarding the sickness and the two wolves that had infiltrated Kate's home a few evenings' prior. 

"Father, you're going to be alright," Accalia spoke, as her dad entered the room with a perturbed expression. "You are not sick. We have seen what the sickness does to people- what it did to..." she trailed off. 

Her father met her gaze and his expression grew more serious, still. 

"We're going to figure this out, one way or another. We'll find a cure. Hey, Fenn has been working on it for ages, so has uncle Z. You mustn't doubt them!" she said, with emphasis on the last sentence. "Aside from that, you are so loved, dad. I understand your anxieties but it is going to be alright. We need to stay strong through this." 

I nodded in agreement, unsure of what exactly to say. I could tell that Luka was in need of some serious reassurance at this point, though. 

Fenn walked into the room then and smiled warmly. 

"How's my favourite sister doing?" he asked, "Oh and hi, Ophelia!" he greeted me with kindness. "Is everything alright?" he added, with a caring expression, as his eyes glanced over his father for a moment. His expression softened, when he realised that everything was not, in fact, alright. "Dad, it's going to be okay," he said gently, "I understand your concerns but like I've said before, I am working on it." 

"He's right," Accalia said, which caused Fenn to regard her with appreciation. 

"Thank you," he said to her, before he continued, "I didn't win the science award three years running for no reason." 

Wow. Credit was where credit was due. 

I could tell, from everything that Fenn had said so far, that he was a pure source of positivity. There was balance between him and his father, and he was relaxed where his father was not. 

"It'll be fine," he continued, in an attempt to reassure his father. "You'll see!" he added, enthusiastically. "Now, I have to go and continue on my game. Then, I'll get into my research again," he said. 

Fenn was the kind of guy that probably would be considered nerdy at school, but I respected his confidence to be his authentic self. It was something that not everyone could do easily. 

I helped Accalia out with cooking because her father was busy reading in his study. 

We ate together and soon enough it was about time for me to return home. 

"I'll miss you," Accalia said, as her eyes glanced towards my father's car, parked up waiting for me. 

"We'll sort this, Alia," I promised her, as I stepped forward to kiss her cheek. 

She reached out and took my hand, as I did so, and looked as though she really didn't want me to pull away to go to my father's car. 

However, I knew that I couldn't stay there all day. 

I had daughterly duties to be getting on with. 

"I'll see you soon," she managed to say, as she let go of my hand. 

"Of course, you will," I replied, before I made my way towards the car and sat down. 

I put my seatbelt on and turned to wave to her, but she was already gone. 

On the way home, the rain began to beat down, heavy and loud against the windscreen of the car. 

As soon as my father pulled in on the driveway, we rushed inside and shut the door behind us. 

For a few hours, I got on with some chores and completed my homework. 

Eventually, the sky grew a little less aggressive. The rain eased up and there was a knock at the front door. 

My father went to open it, sooner than I could. 

"Uh, hi sir," Fenn said with a smile. He then met my gaze, "Do I bow?" he asked, with a jokey tone. 

"No. Humans reserve bows for the Queen," I told him, with a sweet smile filled with amusement. 

Fenn could be so innocent at times. No wonder Accalia wished to protect him from the world. 

My father smiled, a reminder that most people still lived in happiness. 

I felt that the wolves lived in fear at the moment, especially where the virus was concerned. 

I tried to not let it take over my thoughts too much. I needed to have the courage to believe that we would eventually get rid of it. 

"Dad, this is Fenn. He's Accalia's younger brother," I explained. 

"Please, call me Quinn," my father smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Finn." 

"It's Fenn," I told him, as he allowed Fenn into the house. 

Fenn didn't stay long, but he let me know that there was something important he needed to discuss with me. 

The two of us made our way out into the back garden, so we could discuss it away from my father. 

"I've reached a breakthrough in my research," Fenn informed me. 

I felt my eyes light up with surprise. 

"I think I may be getting somewhere, really," he added. 

I felt my shoulders relax in relief, then. 

"Good," I said, with a breath, "Thank you for letting me know, Fenn." 

He smiled, as he gave me a nod. 

"Of course," he said. "Anyway, I better get going. I was on the way to the shop, but thought I'd stop off to let you know." 

"I'm glad that you did," I said. 

Shortly thereafter, Fenn left our house and I was left thinking over everything he had told me. 

It seemed as though we were making progress, which was something. 

I wandered into the living room, while my father was watching some late night TV. 

Probably re-runs of Lucifer, I imagined. 

He had a thoughtful expression upon his face. 

"Is everything alright, dad?" I asked him.

I had spent so much time with the wolves that I supposed I hadn't checked in on him as much as I did ordinarily. 

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