Forty-Seven 🌑

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"Well, come in, come in! I never got the chance to properly introduce you to every member of my smaller family," Yara said. 

"What? Do you have seven dwarves lurking in the backroom?" I asked. 

Yara only shot me a look. 

"Right, right. I'm kidding. Lead the way," I said, with a respectful smile. 

"This is so exciting! Naomi loves guests!" she replied. 

"Naomi?" I asked. 

Yara nodded. 

I supposed I was going to find out who Naomi was, soon. 

She turned to me with a kind smile. 

"I really am sorry for being so cold towards you when we first met, Ophelia," she said. 

"It's okay. Apology accepted," I replied, with my own friendly smile. 

I could tell that Yara wasn't only being friendly to be civil. She really did mean her kindness, which warmed my heart a little. I was glad to be on her good side, anyway. 

Yara then relaxed in a chair in the room and sat for a short while. 

"Uziel will be here soon," she said. 

"Right. I was meaning to ask about you two. Are you-" 

"We married a few months back, but it's been in the works for a while. I knew that Uziel was my soulmate, as soon as I saw him. Then, a few months later, I realised I was pregnant," she said. 

I felt my eyes widen. 

"I was only fifteen. However, I knew that I wanted to keep her," she said. 

"So, Naomi is..." I trailed off, as realisation struck. 

"My daughter, yes. Uziel and I met in high school, hit it off, a few months down the line I knew I was father cast me out around the same time Uziel found out about Luka. Uziel introduced me to everyone. I wasn't always this way. I was struck by a silver wolf," she informed me. 

"Who-" I cut off. 

"Luka," she said simply. 

I should have known as much. 

"Uziel's the alpha. His father was a wolf; his mother a human. They all lived together until his parents moved country. However, Uziel wanted to stay. His tribe was the most important thing, as was I- the most important person, at the time. I don't think he's spoken to them in years," Yara explained. "Anyway, a few months on I gave birth to Naomi in a hospital. My parents showed up and wanted to invite me back into their lives, but I refused. Luka offered me a sanctuary both here, and at his home, until Uziel was old enough to buy us our own house. Money had never really been an issue for him- he has rich parents and works hard. When he graduates, I think he's already settled on getting a job in business. Meanwhile, I'm working on starting a job as a florist, while I take care of Naomi, of course. She's only four. She's an absolute treasure. She'll love you. She loves everyone," she told me, with an affectionate smile as she thought about her daughter. 

Seeing Yara talk about Naomi made me really miss my own mother, but I tried to clear my throat of the urge to cry. Now was most definitely not the time, though I doubted Yara would have minded. She seemed extraordinarily sensitive and understanding. I was glad that I had got to know who she truly was before I decided against ever becoming her friend. In my opinion, Yara was a badass wolf, wife and mother. I wished to be like her one day.  

"I'll be honest, work was a mess today," Uziel confessed, as he walked into the room and went to kiss Yara on her forehead. She smiled at his touch. 

Seeing the two of them together touched my heart. 

From an outside perspective, they really did seem like the most picture-perfect, werewolf, family that had ever existed. 

"I was direct with the boss, I told him his plans weren't working and then he got annoyed at me...but eventually he realised I was right," Uziel said, with a slightly smug smile. 

Yara rolled her eyes, as she played with Uziel's navy tie. 

"You're usually right, though," she admitted, even if she looked as though she didn't want to boost Uziel's ego anymore. 

He was already the alpha wolf, I supposed it sort of came with the territory. 

"I kept my will strong and managed to convince him," he said. 

Yara smiled. 

"I'm proud of you, amica mea," she said. 

From the Latin I had learnt the previous evening, I knew that meant 'my love'. 

"What can I do for you, my beautiful Yara? Are you hungry?" Uziel asked, with genuine compassion in his gaze. 

Yara gave a slight shake of her head. 

"No, I'm alright at the moment. How about you?" she asked him. 

"I ate a chicken sandwich on the way back here," he said, " know, not while I was driving." 

Yara released a soft laugh, as she shook her head gently. 

"Let's go and see if Naomi's awake," she said. 

Uziel murmured in agreement, as his eyes warmed with the love of a father. 

I could tell that he took his responsibilities as a father seriously, too, because he gently pressed a hand to Naomi's shoulder, as she lay resting, to check if she was awake. 

Her chest rose and fell steadily until her eyes fluttered open. Her lashes were dark and thick, just like her mother's. 

She peered around the room with wide eyes and they soon settled on me. 

"Hey, Naomi," Uziel said calmly, "How are you doing?" he asked. 

"Glad you're home!" Naomi replied, with a great grin, as she wrapped her arms around Uziel. 

He released a soft chuckle, as he picked her up from the floor and held her for a short while. 

"I am a little hungry, though," she admitted, "Could you go and get me some food?" she asked. 

Uziel nodded and then vacated the room. 

"Hi, mama," Naomi said with a polite tone, as she met her mother's gaze. Her eyes then shifted to me. "Who's this?" she asked. 

"Naomi, this is Ophelia. She's another member of the tribe," Yara explained. 

Naomi smiled. 

"Hey, Ophelia. Do you want one of my cookies? Actually, you can have as many as you like!" she said happily. 

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