Sixty 🌑

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A few months later, I was sat at the Christmas dinner table with two werewolves and my father. 

Of course, they weren't actually in their wolf form. That would have made eating my father's deliciously prepared Christmas meal damn near impossible. 

Fenn and Accalia had spent Christmas Eve with their father and extended family, so I had invited the two of them to spend Christmas Day with us. 

"So, we're going to be leaving college next year and Fenn will be graduating college. What's the plan, Fenn?" I asked him, with genuine curiosity. 

"I think I want to become a doctor," he said and I was glad that he was still ambitious. I really did believe that he could do whatever he set his mind to. Fenn was a determined soul and I admired that about him. 

In recent news, I had actually managed to pass another one of my most recent mathematics exams, though Mr. Z was convinced it was a Christmas miracle, I doubted him. Unless my Christmas miracle just so happened to be called Kate Azule. 

He seemed calm about the whole thing, even though becoming a doctor seemed like my worst possible nightmare- so many medical exams, not enough time. 

"I actually think I can do this," he said confidently. 

"I believe in you," Accalia assured him. 

"Me too," I said. 

"Me three," my father added, which led Fenn to direct an appreciative smile towards him. 

Fenn had spent so much of his time on his own studying, he deserved to get something positive out of it. 

"You're so smart, Fenn," Accalia spoke again, now, "Of course, you can do this. Not to mention how hard you've worked all year around. I'm proud of you. Always have been, always will be."

 "Thank you- are you two going to be alright, when I head off to science college, though? You're not going to, like, accidentally start a wolf cult, are you?" he asked, with genuine care in his gaze. 

Accalia rolled her eyes. 

"We're going to keep our secret on the downlow, don't you worry," she said. 

Fenn released a breath at that, seemingly relieved. 

My father and Kate were the only humans that knew about who I really was and I planned to keep it that way, for the time being. 

Let's face it, explaining that you're a wolf to people is probably up there on the list of most unlikely things to ever have to happen in your life, but it happened in mine, so I'm not too sure what that says about me, besides me being completely and utterly awesome, of course. 

"Merry Christmas, everyone," I said, as I raised my champagne glass a little into the air. 

The others did the same. 

"Merry Christmas," they said simultaneously. 

"This was an amazing dinner, Mr. Amarilla. Thank you," Accalia said gratefully. 

"You're very welcome," my dad said. 

He had been up for hours cooking away. He just wanted us to have a good Christmas, especially given that it was the first time in a few years that he had guests. I loved him for it. 

"So, Accalia, what are you planning on studying at university?" he asked her, his ears keen to listen. 

He already knew all about my plans, of course. I was going to go into teaching- I supposed you could say that I had been inspired by Naomi. She got better in the end, too, the antidote worked. We were no longer afraid of the virus. 

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