Thirty-Seven 🌑

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After dinner was done, it was time for me to say goodbye to the members of the tribe. 

Accalia had offered to walk me home. 

Before we could leave, though, Mr. Z told me that he wished to speak with me, so I politely requested for Accalia to give the two of us a moment. 

We went to stand in a room away from the others and stepped into the peaceful quiet. 

I looked out of the window and into the beautiful navy canvas of the atmosphere, to find that the full moon was gleaming at the Earth again. 

I supposed that I should have anticipated as much by now, but it still occasionally took me by surprise. 

"Ophelia," Mr. Z spoke, breaking me from my reverie. 

I turned to meet his gaze. 

"I wanted to apologise for our previous discussion, in my office," he said to me. "I pushed you for answers and that was wrong, and I understand that. I hope you know that I have nothing against you, I'm just worried about-" he said, as he moved a hand over the designer-stubble on his jawline. 

"Accalia, I get it," I said.

He moved the collar of his shirt a little and I noticed, for the first time, a small wolf shaped tattoo on his neck. He rubbed his thumb over it as he appeared to think over something momentarily. 

"She's my niece. She's important to me. And considering her mother is de-" he cut off, "I don't want anything to happen to her."

I nodded, once again understanding everything that he was telling me. I could sense that he had his concerns over what was going to happen to his family, especially given the sickness that was attacking the tribe from the inside out.

"And being a wolf comes with its dangers. I suppose I do worry about you, too," he told me, as he stepped forward and I noticed him limping a little. 

"What happened?" I asked, a little amazed. I thought all wolves healed really quickly. 

"I was in a fight a while ago. It's a long story, one that I might get a chance to tell you one day, but I feel that this is a suitable reminder for the fact that, though we are wolves, we are not entirely indestructible," he said. 

"I understand," I said, as I adjusted the collar of my shirt. 

His expression reflected his appreciation for me being so understanding of what he had to say to me. 

"I shouldn't keep you any longer, Ophelia. Just keep what I have said to you in mind," he reminded me and I murmured in agreement. 

Shortly thereafter, I made my way out into the fresh night air to find Accalia stood waiting for me. 

Her eyebrows lifted a little in interest, as her eyes explored my own. 

"All good?" she asked me, "I understand my uncle can be a little demanding at times, but-" 

"We're all good," I swiftly answered and Accalia appeared to relax a little at that comment. "I feel like I look a mess in these clothes," I added, as my eyes glanced down to the P.E. uniform I was still sporting. "My shoes are all muddy." 

Accalia took a step towards me and gently reached out to hold my hand in her own. 

"And still look beautiful," she told me. 

It was ironic that she was telling me how beautiful I looked, when in the glow of the moonlight I couldn't imagine anyone to look more ethereal. 

"I'm pale and weird-looking and-" I began to protest, but I was hastily prevented from speaking any more. 

Accalia cut me off by pressing her lips against my own and I immediately felt something spark alive in my body, as I combed my fingers through her soft hair and kissed her back with some intensity. 

When the kiss was done, I anxiously placed my hands together to keep myself from shaking. 

God. What was she doing to me? 

"You're my Ophelia," she said. The statement was so simple, but it made me feel a million different things- mostly positive, though I couldn't shake the sense of anxiety that came with them. I could tell from the expression upon Accalia's face that she wasn't done speaking just yet. "Don't talk down about yourself!" she told me, "You're honestly the most beautiful person that I have ever known and if you speak badly about yourself, then it makes me feel a little bad, too. We should be happy, Ophelia. We are both healthy and we both have eachother, more important still. I don't know how much time we have left, especially when this sickness is taking hold, so I want to enjoy the moments that I have with you." 

I knew instinctively that she was right. We were both healthy and we were together and those were two things that I appreciated wholeheartedly. 

It didn't shake my anxiety entirely, though. 

"Thank you," I said to her because I wanted to know that she was appreciated, and I wasn't sure what else to say to her. There was a lot on my mind. 

Before I could delve too deeply into the matters of my mind, though, Uziel stepped out of the cave to join the two of us. 

"Are you heading out, Ophelia? Accalia?" he asked us. 

"I believe so. Don't miss me too much, while I'm away," Accalia said with a slightly amused expression. 

"Yara is trying to get me to cook with her. I'm concerned that there won't be a cave left by the time that we're done," Uziel said. 

His voice was so serious that I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be slightly afraid. 

I decided both, as I released a nervous laugh. 

"If I'm being honest, I've never been great at it. Anyway, I'm rambling now. You two take care. See you soon, Ophelia," he turned to me now with a great, friendly grin upon his face and I knew it was infectious. I couldn't help but smile back. 

"See you soon, Uziel," I replied, as Accalia and I turned and headed further into the night. 

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