Thirty 🌑

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My father appeared thoughtful for a few moments, before he voiced his first question. 

"Where were you today?" he asked. 

"School...then the forest with Accalia. I wouldn't go there alone," I said. 

It was a lie, but he might've had more peace of mind if he knew that I wasn't there alone. 

He appeared to relax a little at that statement. 

"What did you do?" he asked. 

"I showed her some of my sketches and then we decided we were tired, so we headed out," I said. 

"Hm," he said. 

I looked up at him, instead of down at the palms of my hands which I was so tempted to do. 

"Hm?" I returned. 

"I feel as though there's more to it," he said. 

Well, there was, but I wasn't about to blurt out every personal detail to him, nor did I have to. I had always figured that if I ever let my father know about Accalia and I, it would sort of be a "Hi, here's my girlfriend," situation. 

God, even the mere thought of calling Accalia my girlfriend made my heart flutter. What was going on with me? 

"There is more to it," he said then, "Judging by your expression." 

"Dad," I said. 

"Alright, alright," he said, "I won't push it. I'm content that you told me what was going on. At least, part of it," he added, with a small half-smile. 

"Feeling more peaceful, now?" I asked, not about to give in to his curiosity. 

He merely gave a nod in answer to that question, as he relaxed in the chair.

"Thank you, Ophelia. Anyway, I better go and box up the rest of the bread for tomorrow," he said. 

My stomach rumbled loudly again. 

His eyes grew a fraction larger, evidently amused by the sound. 

"Unless you want seconds now..." he trailed off. 

"You know me well," I replied, with a small humorous smile.  

I made my way out of my bedroom and back down to the kitchen, where I was able to grab myself some more food. 

My new wolf appetite was definitely something that I knew I was going to have to grow used to over time. 

Hopefully, my dad might have just thought it was hormonal-related hunger or something along those lines. 

I didn't exactly have time to sit him down and talk to him about all of this. 

Coming out as a lesbian, if I ever decided to, was already difficult enough. 

Coming out as a werewolf was a completely separate issue. 

I was equally terrified of both possible scenarios, though, in all honesty. 

For the rest of the evening, fortunately, my father appeared to be perfectly steady. It was as though the conversation I had with him had reassured him that I wasn't, in fact, going to be eaten by wolves or pulled apart by wild bears any time soon. 

It was also probably a good thing that he had been reassured by the fact that Accalia had been there with me. 

I needed him to like her. 

Even if he didn't know about the exact nature of our relationship, it was still particularly important to me for the two of them to get along. 

Before I went to bed for the evening, I stopped my dad in the hall. 

"Dad, Accalia's little brother Fenn..." I trailed off. He wasn't so little anymore. "He's having a party next weekend. Accalia invited me to go with her. Is that alright?" I asked him. 

His eyes brightened a little at the question. 

"Sure! I've been waiting for you to go to a party! You're a teenager. This is what you're supposed to do," he said. 

My dad really wasn't like most dads. Nevertheless, that was alright. 

I rushed over to him and brought him into a hug, before I told him goodnight and made my way into my room. 

Once I had got ready for the night and climbed into bed, my phone went off with a text. 

Well, whoever was trying to get in touch with me better have had a good reason for doing so. 

I soon found that it was a text from Kate. 

Kate: Hey, stranger. You want to come study with me tomorrow?

I smiled down at my phone. I had missed Kate. It had been far too long. 

I swiftly swiped back a response. 

Ophelia: I'll be there. 

Kate: Oh, so you are alive! Good. I'll see you tomorrow, unless you ditch me for Accalia again. Haha. I'm just joking. Or am I...? Guess you'll find out tomorrow. Love you. XOXO

Ophelia: Love you too, mathematics genius. 

Kate: You flatterer, you. Goodnight. 

Ophelia: Goodnight. 

I then turned my pillow over onto the cold side and pressed my face into it, ready for sleep. 

For the first time since I had started school, I felt genuinely happy. 

I knew that Accalia had a big part to play in that happiness, but I was also glad that Kate and I were friends; that I wasn't completely failing mathematics, and that my father and I were getting along and that some sense of trust had been restored between the two of us. 

Nevertheless, I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that was stored within my stomach surrounding the whole wolf sickness situation. 

If anything happened to Accalia, I wasn't quite sure what I would do. 

All I knew was that I wanted to figure out what was happening to the wolves and fast. 

I had a feeling that I would be visiting the wolf cave the next day. 

It was about time that I met my second family. 

I also needed to talk to Luka about everything that was going on. 

Alright, well not everything. 

There were always going to be, of course, things that I needed to keep to myself for now, until I figured out what was truly going on between Accalia and I and the soulmate thing. 

With that in mind, though, I really did hope that we were soulmates because that was how I felt when I was around her. 

I knew I was young and new to all of this, but all of this felt extraordinarily precious to me. I couldn't lose that any time soon, if ever. 

Daughter of Luka (LGBT+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ