Seventeen 🌑

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To say that I was shocked would be a complete understatement. I swallowed hard. My throat felt as though it was burning and my heart was racing, but that was mostly due to the fact that I hadn't stopped running ever since I had left the circle. 

Werewolves in England? Yeah, apparently stranger things did happen. Much, much stranger than I had ever thought of before, but strange nonetheless. 

At first, I thought I had simply been imagining it. 

As soon as I got into bed and stared up at my ceiling, I pinched myself just to establish that I wasn't, in fact, dreaming. 

I wasn't dreaming. 

Thus, I had to accept what I had seen in the forest as the cold, hard, truth- make that the warm, fuzzy, truth. 

Werewolves were real. 

It was either that, or I was completely losing it. 

Despite my racing thoughts, I eventually managed to get to sleep. 


The next morning, I decided to take a trip to the meadow again after breakfast. I needed some time to clear my head. I wasn't sure how exactly I was going to do that, given that what I had seen was by no means normal. Regardless, I knew that I, at the very least, had to try to preoccupy myself. 

"I'll see you later, dad! It's a beautiful day. I'm going to the meadow and then I'm going to get the bus to school," I explained.

 My dad appeared thoughtful for a couple of moments, but he soon nodded to signal his agreement to this plan. 

I scarfed down my pancakes and then wandered out of the front door, only pausing a moment to yell a "Thank you!" to my father.

My mind may have been preoccupied, but I also knew that I could not skip out on my manners.

As I walked towards the meadow, I couldn't help but look around me for some sign of strange activity. 

There didn't seem to be any wolves, make that werewolves, in sight, so I assumed I was alright. 

I kept walking on and eventually reached the meadow, where I was able to observe a supply of fresh flowers and fruits- tulips and berries, as I continued to walk on across the soft green grass. 

I didn't stay long. As I looked towards my watch, I became conscious of the fact that I needed to be at my mathematics class in the next hour or so, and I didn't want to be late for Mr. Z again. 

Detention would have to wait. I had a lot that needed to be done. 

I rushed to the bus stop and got on. I noticed that Uma was sat at the back of the bus, chatting away with Accalia, so I soon began to walk to join the two of them. 

I couldn't let Accalia know that I had seen anything of what had happened the previous evening. 

Her brother was a werewolf, for God's sake, I had to pretend I didn't have the faintest idea. 

"What did you get up to last night?" Uma asked Accalia, her lips twitched upwards slightly. "Need I even ask?" she added. 

"Be quiet," Accalia said in a hushed tone, as she offered me a kind smile in greeting. 

I sat down next to the two of them and the bus soon began to make its way towards our school building. 

"I stayed in and watched a movie," Accalia said. 

It was clearly a rehearsed answer. 

"What did you do, Uma?" she added, as she nudged her slightly. 

"I was at a ritual," Uma said. 

Accalia's eyes widened. 

It didn't strike me that anyone else I knew could have been there the previous evening, but my eyes had been locked on Accalia and her younger brother, for the most part. 

"We sacrificed a KFC leg to pass our mathematics exam," she joked. 

Accalia rolled her eyes, but appeared relieved that Uma hadn't outed her, or their, secret. 

As I sat beside the two of them, I became increasingly aware of the fact that I honestly wasn't too sure who I could truly trust at the school. How many people were in on this? Did anyone else know? 

As soon as the bus stopped, I didn't wait up for Accalia or Uma. 

I rushed, immediately, to Kate's locker. 

She closed it and took a step back, visibly startled by my sudden appearance. 

I didn't apologise. Ordinarily enough, I would have, but not this time. I had too many questions and not enough time to get them all answered. That was how I felt, at least. 

"Do you know anything about the Full Moon Ceremony?" I asked, in a whisper. 

Kate's eyes widened and her eyebrows rose with the action. 

"The Full Moon Ceremony?" she asked, visibly surprised, "Should I?" she added.

"I don't know," I said, as I leant against the lockers. "I'm going to the library. Can you cover for me in maths class today?" I inquired. 

"Sure," Kate said, though I didn't wait long for her to answer. 

My back was already turned and I was on my way to the library, before she could utter another syllable. 

I grabbed my glasses case out of my pocket, once I had sat down at one of the computers. 

Nobody else was sat nearby me, thankfully. 

I placed my glasses on and started a Google search: werewolves. 

Rolling the mouse wheel to scroll for a few seconds, I eventually clicked on one of the main links. 

The same word kept creeping up, time and time again- 'mythological'. 

Either I was wrong or these web pages were, and I was beginning to believe the latter was the case. 

Then, stranger still, I began to find a lot of forums posted by people who had experienced similar things to me. 

I've been having so many dreams about wolves lately- strange but normal, right? 

I had a dream a wolf stole my sandwich. I don't know if it was a werewolf, but I woke up completely pissed off, even if the sandwich wasn't real. 

Edit: You don't have to keep telling me it was just a dream, I know that much.

The last post made my heart sink. 

Apparently, dreams about wolves occasionally mean that an alpha wolf has picked you as their mate. 

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