Extras (Fan Requests) | Two

Start from the beginning

All eyes turned towards the dragon who was curled up in the snow, ten or so metres away, clearly unfazed by the temperature.

The dragon opened one eye upon hearing his name, and then closed it again, tucking his head back under his wing.

"Anthemin says that he will 'leave it up to the original creator of fire,'" Circe interpreted, looking apologetically at Cobalt, "He looks forward to your results."

There was a moment of silence, and then all eyes turned to Obsidian.

The pirate yawned.

"Not unless he says please."

There was a collective groan.

"On your mother I'll say please, you bastard."

"My mother is your mother, idiot."


"Cobalt," Lacy interrupted darkly, "I want toasted marshmallows. Now."

Cobalt stared at her and swallowed.

"Fine. Please. You happy?"

"Please what?"

"Please light the fire," Cobalt gritted out.

"Why do I need to light it?" Obsidian drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I thought this was supposed to be an 'original camping experience.'"

"Fuck you," Cobalt said angrily, picking up his sticks, "I'll just do it myself."

"We will go get more wood," Leo said hastily.

"Yes and await your success!" Nathaniel encouraged as the two exited the clearing promptly.

Circe watched Cobalt spinning the sticks together and nudged Obsidian in the ribs.

He grunted. "What."

She lent her head back against his chest as he leaned forward so that she could whisper something into his ear.

His eyes flashed.

"You little minx," he growled quietly to her, golden eyes narrowing.  Lightly, he lifted a hand, pointing a finger at Cobalt's sticks.

The was a moment of inaction, and then suddenly a spark appeared.

Cobalt's face lit up. "It's working."

"It's not working," Obsidian yawned.

"It is working, look!"

"Oh," Obsidian drawled, "so it is. Congratulations."

In front of him, Circe chuckled.


Highschool AU


Requested by Daphne Lai – Facebook Fan Page

(The one where Circe runs into the school tyrant on her first day of class.
Guess who the tyrant is)


"Circe! Circe, over here!"

Circe glanced up, her eyes searching through the mass of students, till she spied a hand sticking up out of the crowd, along with a mass of black curls.

She watched with amusement, as Lacy shoved her way through the crowds, her face flushed, the smatter of freckles splayed across her nose as disordered as their owner.

A Dragon's Heart (Book Three in the APK Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now