Eleven: Backstabber

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I was kneeled down, hands clasped together. Wind was lightly messing with my hair, little runes and symbols glowing from Leva's connection in mediation. "You stupid brat! Look at what you did!"

My eyes sharply, green eyes staring at the flame in front of me. Aang opened his eyes worriedly, storm grey eyes looking over at me as I was watching the flame on the ritual white candle. The edge of the fire was blue, sparkling white with Leva's connection. It's how everyone knew that they were connected with their espirts; the sparks of white.

The longer I stared at the flame, I could have swore that I saw sparks of green. The anger boiling under my skin the more I heard the human yelling at the youngling. "Venus... No, don't do it..."

Aang whispered, noticing his friend's distraction. I ignored him, gracefully hopping into a standing position and seeing one the younglings sniffling while looking down. Tiny hands rubbing at his cheeks; trying to wipe away the tears. The broken glass on the ground.

The scientist continued to hiss venomous words toward the youngling, my hand reached for my staff. Aang grabbed my arm quickly, worry in his eyes. I've gotten in trouble too many times for things like this; so I knew he was worried. But I wasn't going to let the scientist get away with this.

Aang tried to grab me again, but I was too far out of his reach. The staff rolled over my shoulder gracefully over my shoulder, using the gravity and some wind to harshly hit the arm of the scientist when he raised his hand to the youngling. "AH! FUCK! You stupid bitch!"

The scientist yelled in pain, the bone being broken from the hit. The youngling looked up and smiled happily, cheering at seeing me. When the scientist reached out to grab the youngling, the end of my staff pressed against his chest and kept him at a distance. "Venus... Why am I not surprised? You know, you're really becoming a nuisance to us."

"Koda, go ahead and get back to worshipping." I spoke, not taking my eyes on the intruder. Little hands clutched at the back of my shirt, Koda shaking behind me and hugged onto me nervously. "Go ahead Koda, he won't hurt you again. I'll make sure of it."

Koda nodded against my leg, running over to Aang who was going to let him worship next to him. Fingers expertly moved the staff back before my hand tightened; swiping the staff at his legs. There were a small tug of a smirk as the scientist hit the ground; some part enjoying watching him fall.

Especially after he scared a youngling like that.

And it was satisfying to watch him flinch from the sound the staff made when it beat against the ground. My hand slid down the staff as I crouched, eyes staring down at his glare. "I may be a nuisance, but you're a leach. Invading our planet. I'm not blind, the others may be convinced with your little puppet show. But I'm not. I can see through your sickening words and fake promises; I see the poison you're infecting my home with."

He tried to reach out to grab me, anger boiling in his mud brown eyes. The scientist only wheezed in pain as the staff hit his chest harshly, my hand bringing it back up to how it was standing. There were footsteps making their way toward us and Aang grew worried. "Venus."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, my head turning back to look at thin through the corner of my eye. There was the green spark in my flame once again. "Someone said it's the elder, you know he's gonna be so angry with you if he catches you."

"Listen to your friend girlie." The scientist spat, hand holding onto his broken arm. You stood up, hearing the scientist snarking something under his breath. I looked back at hearing that, reaching out to stomp on his chest and hearing the crack of his ribs. "V-Venus!!"

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