Eight: Mate

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"You have traveled such a long way and faced many hardships." The gentle voice spoke, my eyes fluttering open to see the soft light around me. "You try so hard to protect those around you, protecting the forest well. This is your home and you make an excellent mate."

"Ew'ya..." My eyes opened, feeling his hands brushing through my hair. His skin pressed against my own as he held me against him. Slowly his hands left my hair, brushing over the dried up wound from Tanoit. "I'm safe from him now."

I whispered, feeling how upset he was. My head laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He noticed that I was shivering lightly and I curled more into his side. "Are you cold?"

"Yes... for some reason." He nodded, sitting up lightly. After a few seconds, the warmth was draped over me. It was stitched up moss, soft and really warm. His arm wrapped around me again, pulling me back down to relax. I sighed happily, feeling his hand gently cupping my chin and kissing me again. My body relaxed at the feeling, moving my lips against his own. "So beautiful, all mine."

He said as he pulled his head back, staring at me adoringly. My hands ran over his chest, smiling at him. His head turned, pressing soft kisses against my skin, going over my neck. Biting softly to make me squeak, I could feel him smirking against my skin. He hesitated in kisses, realizing where he stopped. Wounds from Tanoit. "You should have let me kill him."

"No..." I whispered softly, pressing my hand against his cheek and he sighed. Leaning into it and relaxing to my touch. "Taking someone's life is not worth it."

"For hurting you... yes. I'll make him suffer for what he put you through." So protective... it's definitely a new feeling, but it makes me feel nice. His thumb moved gently over my cheek as his forehead pressed against mine. "Tomorrow, you will become a hunter."

"Is it because I'm your mate?" I tilt my head and he chuckled while shaking his head. His golden eyes were sparkling with adoration, a soft smile tugging on his lips. "No, because you are ready. The mating usually happens after you become a hunter, but I am an impatient man."

The colors of the mobile site greeted me as I opened the lid. As I sat up, my world spun and my vision darkened for a millisecond, turning to black dots slowly clearing up. "There you are Venus, what were you thinking? Staying in that long... Its not healthy for you."

Norm said as he helped me out of the capsule, keeping his arms around me as he helped me sit at the table. All I could think about is Tsu'tey's touch, rather him than Norm... "Here, drink this. I'll make you something to eat."

I laid my head on the table, feeling tired. The bottle falling out of my hands and rolling on the floor, making Norm turn around. "Do you think you should take a break from this...?"

He asked worriedly, making me shake my head. Losing a little sleep won't kill me. He sat across from me, looking at me worriedly while sliding over the plate. "You're going to get sick like this."

"I'm not like you guys," I argue, sitting up and training to ignore the way exhaustion tried to pull me back down. Food... Food is good. "Wh-whoa! Venus, you can't scarf it down like that or you're going to throw it all up!"

"Really...?" I whispered softly, slowing down my eating and watching him take a breath of relief. His hand holding his head. "Look, you really can't stay in there forever Venus. You still have this body to take care of. What were you even doing there for so long?"

"T-training," I blurted, feeling my body flushing at the memories. As if I could feel his touch on my skin. He gave me a look and then shook his head. "You're taking a break tomorrow."

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