One: Arrival

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I was flipping through the air, trying to find my balance and where I was at. "Venus!"

I gasped, my eyes opening sharply. There was the feeling of free floating and I looked around, seeing that I was stuck in a small capsule. Just at the sight of it, my chest tightened and I struggled to move.

"Easy there." A voice spoke as a man was floating besides me, once the thing I was strapped on as pulled out of the capsule. My eyes immediately saw him as a threat and I tried to get out of my binds. "Careful, you've been asleep for almost 6 years. You're going to be tired and weak. My name's Kevin. You are?"

I didn't really care for this Kevin, nor did I want to be anywhere near here. Wherever here is. The last thing I remember was the destruction that I went through, the war that happened. The war... What happened to my home?! "Not much of a talker, that's okay. Let's get you something to eat, okay?"

My head was hanging low as I was sitting in the cold, hard metal seat. There was a staff leaning against the wall besides me, one of my hands holding it so it doesn't roll anywhere. There was movement on the other side of me, catching my attention.

When I lifted my head, I saw a man sitting in a seat. Just like everyone else. But he there was one thing different that separated him from the rest. He had a folded wheelchair besides him. Once he noticed that I was staring, he greeted, "Hey."

I just nodded in response. My free hand was closed, just resting in my lap. My eyes closed, about to meditate when I heard him ask, "What are you doing here?"

"Avatar Program, driver." I responded back, remembering being told when I woke up. They had taken my DNA and everything when I was out, creating me an avatar. The man asked me, "What is your name?"

"Venus. You are?"

"Jake Sully." I have another nod, trying once more to meditate when I felt him watching me. It's hopeless. I opened my eyes and asked, "What else do you want?"

"Where you from?"

"Not where you think... What about you? Why are you here?"

"I'm an ex-marine. My twin brother died so I'm taking his place." Marine... A soldier. Great. More soldiers. I sighed came from me and I ran a hand through my red hair. There was nothing that I wanted to tell him, or even give him comfort. Soldiers are no good.

"Alright! Everyone mask up! Even you girlie." A soldier sneered at me and I kept my eyes down, putting on the mask. Jake commented after the soldier left, "He seems to hate you."

"They all do." I responded as I watched the large door open. The sky showing brightly as I watched the sunlight lighting up inside of this horrible machine. "Why?"

Jake asked, but I was already grabbing my stuff and walking off of the plane. I kept to myself as he was setting up his his wheelchair. "Hey, what's the staff for?"

Jake called out as he rolled next to me. I looked over at him before looking straight. My hands tightening on the staff lightly, small memories making their way to the surface before I shoved them back down. "If anything goes wrong."

"What does that mean?" What's with all the questions...? I didn't answer him. There was nothing more to say. As we followed the rest of the guys to a meeting room, I noticed someone as we passed through the halls. "You son of a bitch!"

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