Five: Some Teachings

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"Where do you wanna start?" Norm asked me as we were sitting in my room. We had gotten dinner and escaped to my room. My hand wiped the crumbs of food from my mouth and I said, "Let's start with some animals. You show me an animal and I tell you something about my home."

"Sounds fair." I nodded in agreement. He grabbed a tablet, taking a drink and pulling up a picture. It was of the cat who chased me and Jake off of the cliff. "We call it a thanator, but the Na'vi call it pululukan."

A pululukan... Pu-lu-lu-kan. Got it. Interesting. "It's musculature is pronounced and so impressive. The speed of its attack is swift, their whole body is agile. But be careful of its tail, its armored and can deal a lethal blow. See these sensory quills?"

He pointed to a part of the picture. "These sprout from sections of its armor plating that encircles the rear of its skull. Why they have this is still a mystery, but we think that it may be tied to an internal mechanism of prey location. Like echolocation or some other sensory pinpointing system."

"They can also make it look more menacing." I commented, making him laugh before nodding. "That too. Now, your turn."

I put down my plate and explained, "My planet was divided into three elements. Wind, nature, and water. We had rules on not to visit the other clans, it was forbidden and they clans always said that it would kill us."


"Honestly? No one really knows, we listened to the council of clans without doubt. But once I overheard a council member talking about someone they found dead in the forest clan... they said it was from our Espirts fighting." He looking at me confused and I chuckled. "I'll explain Espirts next round. But anyways, I lived in the floating mountains with the wind clan."

"Just like the Hallelujah Mountains?" I tilted my head and he commented, "The legendary floating mountains of Pandora."

"Oh... Okay, what's the next animal?"

"Any you want to know?" He asked whole looking down at the screen, ready to pull anything up. "Well there was this one type of animal me and Jake got attacked from. They made a laughing sound."

"Ah! Viperwolves!" He pulled up a picture and I nodded at seeing the familiar animal. "They're also called nantang. They can climb trees because they have an opposable thumb, which means they have a three-dimensional hunting field. Dangerous creatures. I'm surprise that you guys survived."

"Neytiri saved us."

"Neytiri what?!" I nodded, taking another bite of my food. "That's how we got to the clan in the first place. Kept calling Jake a child and ignorant."

He laughed at hearing that, agreeing with it afterwards. "She has to train Jake, teach him the ways of the people."

"And you?" Norm asked with looking up at me from his tablet. "Tsu'tey teaching me."

"T- Tsu'tey?" He looked shocked at hearing his name and then looked down at the tablet, sliding a picture and holding it up. "This Tsu'tey?"

"That's the one." I said with a nod. He made a sound of disbelief. "You two are so lucky..."

I shrug, not really finding this situation of luck. But it seemed important to him which made me feel bad because of how much he cares for this and I just come along with no information on this, getting everything he would have wanted. He studied years for this. I decided to change the subject to cheer him up, he seems to like knowledge.

"Espirts. Our element. When we come of the age of 13, we connect and start training with them. They're elements living inside of us, making us a host. They help us and we make sure they don't die out. The Espirts die with the host."

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