Four: Omaticaya Clan

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There was a giant tree and I looked at it in awe. It's nothing like the floating mountains of my home, but it's just as beautiful. I wonder if this is how the forest looked like...

I was brought out of my thoughts by another sharp poke from the arrow, making me look back at the warrior. They're just doing what they think is right to protect their home.

I just wished someone had listened to me...

I continued walking forward, looking around the others who was watching us. Some were hissing at us and some were touching my hair confused, pulling lightly at my braid.

I stopped beside Jake, leaning heavily against the my staff with panting slightly. He gently grabbed my shoulder. "Venus. We need to get you help. Now."

"I'll be fine. I'll take care of it." I waved him off, making him look at my worriedly. The leader was speaking their language and the female Na'vi was responding back, explaining things. The one, who was head of the party that caught us was watching me, and I closed my eyes.

"Leva, please. I need your help." I sat on the floor, hearing the soft landing on the floor. A warmth ran over my shoulder and she spoke, "You have put yourself through trails. Why?"

"We were attacked. I'm having trouble standing. Please Leva..." The Espirt sighed, hanging her head and touching the tip of her nose on my wound. She gently blew on the wound and I felt the warmth. "So, this is the body you have turned to."

I noticed that this body was to her chest. My body stood up, going to her neck while my hand ran over my shoulder. All that was left was leftover blood. "You know I can not do that. I'm not supposed to."

I let out a solemn nod. "I will no longer ask for it. Thank you Leva."

"Keep that side locked." She whispered and I gave her a confused look. But I could never ask her what it meant because I felt myself being shaken.

"Venus." I opened my eyes, seeing that Jake was holding me up. He looked worried and I stood up with rubbing my shoulder before taking off of the shirt wrap. "What in the hell...?"

I wiped the blood off of the skin and he gave me a confused look. My eyes looked toward the front and Jake asked the female Na'vi. "What's he saying?"

The leader spoke again and Jake repeated his question. She finally quietly answered him, "My father is deciding whether to kill you."

"You father?" He looked toward the leader. He took a step forward while offering his hand. "It's nice to meet you sir."

Those around me rushed forward to him while hissing, even the female that saved us. My own staff put it front of him, blocking him. "Venus?"

"You can't just walk up to them. They don't trust us." There was another female entered as the clan gathered around us. She was speaking in their language and the female that saved us quietly explained, "That is Mother. She is Tsahik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa."

"Who's Eywa?" Jake asked quietly as the mother circled around us, examining his long braid and tail. Then she stopped at me and pulled my braid up, looking closely at my hair. "What are you called?"

"Jake Sully." Jake answered and she turned to me. My eyes blinked at suddenly seeing her attention, my ears laying back nervously. My voice coming out quiet as my chest was tight. "Venus."

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