Ten: First Kill

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There was a gurgled gasp, blood splattering across the green. A soft thump and the small pool of blood spread out from the open wound of the soldier's neck, my head turning at the footsteps approaching. "My love?"

"He- he was going to kill them Tsu'tey. They're- they're just pups and he was going to kill them because he thought it was funny. I... I heard him laughing." Yekin dashed past Tsu'tey, attacking the already dead soldier. Tsu'tey gently grabbing my shaking hand, whispering soothingly to me so I would release the knife from the white knuckle grip. "They're safe now my love, it's okay. I promise, we're okay."

Yekin licked the top of the baby viperwolves' head to soothe their whining and I finally released the knife from my shaking hands. Tsu'tey putting it away and pulling me into his chest, hand gently pet over my hair. "Are you hurt my love?"

"I... I..." I couldn't even think properly and Tsu'tey eased me into sitting on the ground. Pulling me onto his lap, tucking my head in his neck. Killing animals, that's one thing. But actually killing... Taking a life... Am- am I really no better than those monsters of humans? "Shh... Shh, taking a life for the first time is always traumatic. I got you."

"I-I don't want to be a monster... Not like them..." I whispered, my hands shaking and Tsu'tey brushing my hair back. "You're not like those things. You're so much better."

"I'm so scared I'll become like them..."

"I won't let you. Trust in me darling, I'll keep you safe." He lifted my hand, pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand. Still rubbing soothing circles in my skin. There was a shaky breath from me before I nodded in agreement. "O-okay..."

"Okay? You're okay now?" He asked gently, looking over me closely. I nodded and tried to lower my anxious heart. "Okay, let's get back then."

He pressed his lips gently against mine, hand cupping my cheek and easing me. My eyes closed, relaxing as I leaned into his touch. I'm so lucky that I have him as my mate... "Let's get something to eat."

I nodded in agreement, feeling hungry myself and standing up. Yekin curled around the pups and Tsu'tey chuckled softly. "I think she wants to stay here."

"Pups will be good for her." He hummed, nodding in agreement and molten eyes looking toward my stomach. I looked at him confused and tilted my head, wondering why he was looking at my tummy. My fingers moved lightly over my tough skin and he seem to get jolted out of his daydream from seeing my movement. "What were you thinking about there?"

"How I can't wait to see you carrying my children." He smiled at me, my eyes widened with hot cheeks. My ears perking lightly in surprise as my tail was straightened out from shock at his bluntness. "C-carrying... your children?"

"Yes, do you not want to have children in life?"

"N-no! I want to!" I exclaimed quickly, not wanting him to think that I didn't want to have kids. Kids are so beautiful and I couldn't wait myself to carry some, but I just honestly didn't think that I would get to where I was now. Never before would I find someone that I would actually find someone that I would want a child with. "You will the best mother."

He whispered softly, hand holding onto mine and pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles before tucking some hair behind my ear. His nose brushing against my cheek in loving nuzzle. Tsu'tey's sweet words and gentle touches made me forget about panic from earlier, allowing me just to relax in his arms. "Tsu'tey,"


"Can... can we go back to the tribe...? I have a bad feeling..." I whispered, the familiar dread knotting in my gut. It made my throat dry, made me feel scared. He looked at me confused but nodded softly. There was only one thing that got me to feel this kind of dread... And it terrified me.

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