𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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Madison and Eren had arrived into Trost with the Levi Squad and just upon their arrival, they could hear Hange's cries just outside the enclosed space.

"Oh, boy. I don't like the sound of that at all." Madison mumbled as she hopped off her horse, looking to Eren just as she turned. Eren nodded in agreement, hopping off his own horse and the two followed the other Scouts that had arrived as well into the Research area.

Madison grabbed at Eren's Scout cloak, not wanting to lose him in the crowd of Scouts since she didn't really know anybody that much. Eren felt this and looked down, seeing the girl's anxious face. "You okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine..just don't really know anyone that well, so I thought I stick by you." Madison mumbled, averting her attention to Hange, watching as they cried out in agony, Moblit by their side trying to calm them down. "I..honestly feel bad for Hange. Sure this is Titans we're talking about, but..they had put their time and effort into getting intel just for it to be taken from them."

"Who could have done this?" Eren mumbled back, Madison shaking her head, observing the others. "This is a Military Police investigation. You two, don't get yourselves involved." Both heard, Madison jumping slightly and turning her head, seeing Levi standing next to them, his eyes never leaving the carcasses in front of him.

"Y-Yes, sir." Madison replied, Levi looking down at her. "As much as I want to find the bastard who did this, we need to let the Military Police handle this."

"What if they can't?" Madison asked, Levi folding his arms and looking to the ground. "We'll have to wait until then. But for now, stay out of it."

"Of course, sir." Eren acknowledged, the Captain walking away. Madison looked back at the man, noticing his hand was wrapped. She then recalled the events from last night and had excused herself immediately after.

"Captain!" Madison called, Levi pausing in his tracks as the teen caught up to him, a guilt expression drawn on her face. "You're hurt badly.."

"I'll be fine.." Levi muttered, covering his wrapped hand inside his cloak. "No, you're not, sir.."

"We'll discuss this later. For now, just observe and see what you find." Levi replied, nodding to the scene behind Madison. "I-I thought we weren't getting involved."

"We're not. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of our surroundings." Levi reminded, Madison nodding and lowering her head. "I...do want to apologize, sir. I don't know how I'm going to control this power if people keep getting hurt trying to help me."

"Just..try and control it. We don't need you burning down the whole castle." Levi replied, seeing Erwin approach and he began to walk away, the Commander following after him. Madison sighed, looking up to the sky, hoping she would get a sign from above. There had to be something she could do to control her powers.

"Hey.." Madison turned around, seeing Eren approach, a curious look on his face. "What did the Captain mean by you burning down the castle?"

"Um..I was having a nightmare last night and I unknowingly burned Petra, Eld, and Captain Levi." Eren's eyes went wide, looking around. "How did you do that?"

"Like I said, I was having a nightmare. But, I don't know how I burned them. I need to get this power under control or I might kill someone." Madison said, holding up her hand which was still slightly pink from the burn she got from Petra. "We'll do this together, Maddie. I need to control my power, too. You're not alone."

Madison looked away from her hand to the ground, a blush running across her cheeks at his statement and she nodded, avoiding his gaze. "Thanks, Eren. Let's hope we can do this."

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