Chapter twenty-five

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Scarlett's POV:
I closed my eyes as the cool, salty wind hit my face. I stood on the beach of our new home. The Safe Haven.
Sure we were safe here, but it would take a long time, to actually make this place feel like home.
I felt Shay wrap his arm around my waist, and pull me into his side. I rested my head his shoulder, staring at the waves crashing along the shore. For such a screwed up world, the view here was amazing.
I lifted my head and looked behind us. The gladers and the group B girls were all sitting around talking. Even laughing at some points. It was nice to see them all laugh. It had been a long time since we truly laughed. Then I saw Thomas. He was walking out of the hut he had been recovering in for the past few days. As the others started to notice him, they all stood up. We walked over to join them. Minho walked closer to Thomas.
They stood there for a moment before pulling each other into a tight embrace. That hug said more than words ever could.

We sat around the bonfire later that night. Vince stood up and gathered everyone's attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our new home! Now I know that it took a lot to get here. We made it here with friends." All the gladers looked at each other. "Family." I shared a look with Gally. "But let's also honour the ones who couldn't be here with us today!" He said, pointing to a large rock.
"This is for them! So in your own time, come up and carve there names here." He stuck a knife into a piece of wood.
"This is how we honour them! And everybody. Welcome to the Safe Haven!"
Everybody cheered and hollered, as they raised their glasses. The night went on as people laughed and danced. As the party started to die down, a small group of us walked over to the rock. One by one we carved names. I watched as Gally carved Alby, and Frypan carved Winston's name. I wiped a tear from my cheek, and Minho just let them fall as we carved Newt into the rock. I rested a hand on Shay's back, as he helped carve the names of girls from group B. We then all stepped back to admire our work.
"This is what they wanted for us. All this, from the beginning," Minho said.
"And we'll cherish it for them. This is for them," I whispered as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Remeber what Alby used to say?" Frypan asked chuckling.
"If you ain't scared, you ain't human," we all said at the same time lauging.
"I'm not scared anymore," Frypan said.
"Me either," Gally agreed.
"We're going to be okay right?" Minho asked.
"We've been to hell and back. A new home is nothing compared to getting struck by lightning," I said.
Everybody started laughing.
I smiled to myself looking at all of them.
I don't know whether it was a coincidence, or fate, that led me to be a part of this amazing group of people. I never realized how lucky I was. But standing here, alive, with the very few who made it, I thought to myself, 'you got to cherish these moments'. Because I don't think we live only one life. We actually live a thousand lives. But only if you really learn how to live.
And trust me, we sure as hell, have learned how to live life.

Gally's Little SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon