Chapter ten

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Scarlett's POV:
The next morning when we woke up, we were all escorted to a cafeteria. When we walked in, I was shocked to see how many other kids there were. Girls and Boys alike.
We weren't the only maze.
We found a table, and I sat down at the opposite end, as far away as possible from Minho.
I honestly wasn't that hungry. I was too amazed by all the different people. None of them appeared as young as me though. But there were definetly some who were younger than Newt and Thomas. At that moment, I was torn from my daze when a guy, we called 'Ratman', entered the cafeteria. I'm pretty sure his name is Janson though. He started calling names of people from the cafeteria.
Everbody who got called looked excited to be going. Everyone who wasn't, looked disappointed.
"It's okay everyone. There's always tomorrow. Eventually you will all make it to the Safe Haven." Then Janson left the room.
"The Safe Haven?" I whispered to Newt.
He just shrugged his shoulders. I continued eating my food, wondering where Janson was taking those kids.
I was torn from my thoughts again when I heard Thomas yelling. I looked up and saw him running towards a set of doors. Behind a glass window, I saw Teresa walking with some guards.  We knew he was going to cause trouble. We all jumped up seeing as he was already about to fight a guard. We pulled him back, hoping he hadn't screwed things up. The guards all escorted us back to our room.

Once we made it back to the room,  I went and sat on my bed.
"Great job Thomas. You may have just gotten us in trouble. Maybe worse."
"I just needed to know where they were taking Teresa," he retaliated.
"No she's right Thomas. We don't need you fighting a guard just because you want to go see your little girlfriend," Newt said.
"She's not my girlfriend," Thomas  muttered.
"What was that?"
"Sorry. I will try not to act impulsively."
I scoffed. "I find that hard to believe."

I laid in bed that night unable to fall back to sleep. The brief sleep I got, was filled with bad memories.
All of a sudden, I heard a clatter beneath me. I jumped out of bed along with all the other gladers. Newt peeked under the bed and sighed a breath of relief.
"It's just Thomas. Wait! Thomas! When did you leave? What are you doing?"
Thomas didn't answer. He just scrambled out of the vent, and started pacing the room. Then he started ripping sheets off the bed and tying them to the door handle.
"Thomas what happened?" Newt questioned, becoming frustrated.
"It's them!"
"It's who!?"
"W.I.C.K.E.D! Those people lied, these people aren't the ones saving us! These people are W.I.C.K.E.D!"
We all stared at Thomas in shock.
"How do you know this?" I asked.
"I showed him."
We all spun around startled. There was a boy standing there.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Aris. I knew these people were up to something, so the other night I went to check it out. Then I decided to come here and get Thomas to show him what I found."
"And what exactly is that?" I said speaking up.
"They put people in these tubes of fluid. They're alive, but unconscious. And they do tests on them. Thoses kids getting called in the cafeteria don't go to the "Safe Haven", they go there."
I momentarily had a thought. But I knew it might be crazy.
"Newt do you think..."
He put his hand on my shoulder.
"No I don't think so."
I knew it. Gally probably wasn't there.
"So what do we do?" Newt asked.
"We have to get out of here," Thomas replied.

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