Chapter sixteen

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Scarlett's POV:
We have been in the camp, for a few days. We got to know people better, including their leader Vince. Very nice woman. And it was great to have Shay, Sonya and Harriet back. We told the other gladers and Aris of our crazy adventures. How we would run through the halls of W.I.C.K.E.D, seeing who was the fastest. Sneaking into one of the rooms every night past curfew, so we could all still talk.
I never mentioned the part where Shay used to sneak into my room, where we would talk for hours at night. If Gally were here, he would have gone all protective big brother. And if I mentioned it now, so would Newt.
We also heard their plans for infiltrating W.I.C.K.E.D. They told us about the supposed "cure" that W.I.C.K.E.D was looking for, which they claimed could be found in the blood of certain immunes.
While that was interesting and all, I enjoyed the time I didn't have to do anything. I mostly spent my days walking around camp with Shay, swapping stories from the maze. Well not every story, just mostly good ones. Until one evening when I couldn't avoid one story.
"Was the maze scary for you? And I mean the actually maze. It always freaked me out a little bit, but it was an interesting place as well. Of course they never let me inside."
I looked up at the sky, trying to figure out a way to avoid the question. I decided it was better just to come clean.
"The actual maze broke me. I spent a night there Shay. I was the first person to do it. I fought grievers and hid. I limped out that next morning, from going to hell and back, and barely made it out alive. The maze was intriguing for some people. But after that night. It was what filled my nightmares. It's what kept Gally awake, because I would wake up screaming, remembering the sounds and the darkness. I never wanted anything to do with the maze after that. It almost killed me. Physically and mentally."
I continued to walk, but he stopped. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. I saw the tears pooling in his eyes. I cupped his face with my hand.
"I wish I could have been there," he whispered. "I don't understand why they wouldn't put me in the maze with the boys, so I could be with you."
"It's because W.I.C.K.E.D is a terrible organization, and the people who actually think they're doing some good for the world, are evil. There was nothing you could do. But you're here now, and we are going to fight against W.I.C.K.E.D, and bring justice."
He smiled at me, and we continued looking. I looked up at the rock cliff above the camp. I saw Teresa and Thomas sitting there. Thomas had a very serious look on his face, and Tereas looked like she was apologizing. That's when I heard the whirring of a berg. I knew I couldn't trust that bitch.

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