Chapter five

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Scarlett's POV:
I sat in the homestead amongst the keepers, Newt and Thomas, deciding Thomas's fate. I knew all the other gladers were anxiously waiting the decision, outside these walls.
"Okay, everyone settle down. We need to hear everybody's ideas," Newt said, finally getting everyone quiet.
"Gally, you go first. What  should we do with the greenie?"
"A week in the pit. Food and water once a day, every second day."
"Not a terrible idea. Any other suggestions?"
We listened to other suggestions, some were pretty harsh, like banishment.
Then it was Minho's turn.
"I say we make him a runner."
That's when all hell broke loose.
The keepers were all yelling at Minho. Newt was trying to calm everyone down. Zart kicked a chair. I had to do something so they wouldn't kill each other.
"Hey!" But they still didnt hear me yelling. I had to get there attention somehow. I hopped up on a chair a yelled with all my might.
"Everybody shut up and sit your asses down, before I drag you all by your ears to the slammer, dammit!"
That shut them up. They all looked at me before sitting down. I sat down too, and Newt spoke up.
"Thank you for that. What exactly do you mean Minho? Why should we just make the greenie a runner?"
"He had the strength, speed and wit in the maze, that is required to be a runner. I think he should be a runner."
"I don't know Minho. He's been here four days. He might not be ready."
"He's ready. Aren't you Thomas?"
"Yes, definetley."
Newt thought about if for a moment.
"Let's put it to a vote. All in favor of making Thomas a runner?"
I looked over at Gally and he shrugged. We both put our hands up.
"Okay! Thomas, you're a runner starting tomorrow. You'll be training with Minho. Meeting adjourned."
Everybody walked out of the homestead, some still angry at the decision. Everybody got back to work, but I didn't feel like it. I went and found a tree to sit under. I sat there watching all the gladers working. Watching how we've made a life for us here, for the past three years. I sat there for a while, until Gally came and sat down next to me.
"What's wrong? You've barely talked to me since they got trapped in the maze."
I looked up at Gally.
"We're never going to get out of here. The runners have spent everyday for the past three years looking for a way out. Four people have spent the night in the maze. Yet, no one has found an exit. We will never get out."
"Hey don't say that. We will get out."
"You can't promise me that."
Gally looked down at his hands for a minute, before answering.
"No I can't. But that doesn't mean that I won't protect you. We're going to be okay."
I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't. I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat there in silence for a while. Until we heard the buzzer. It was the box. We gave eachother a confused looked, and ran over with everyone else. We got there and pushed our way to the front of the crowd. Newt came to the front a few seconds later.
"Why's the box here?"
"No clue."
Newt opened the box and jumped down.
"What do you see Newt?"
"Bloody hell! It's another one!"
"Another what Newt? Greenie?" Gally questioned.
"No. It's another girl."
Everybody immediately went quiet.
"I think she's dead," said Newt, breaking the silence. All of a sudden the girl sat up gasping for air. Between gasps she said a name.
Then she was out again.
"Well. She's definetly not dead," I pointed out,"Do you know her?"
Thomas shook his head.
"Come on, let's get her to the medjacks,"Gally said picking her up.
When he picked her up, I noticed something in her hand.
"Gally wait!"
I walked over and pried her hand open. It was a small piece of paper.
It read, 'She is the last one ever'.
That caused a panic. While Newt was trying to calm everyone down, Gally brought her to the medjacks. I stood there with the piece of paper in my hands wondering what it meant. The last girl ever? The last greenie? The last trip for the box? I stood there lost in my own thoughts thinking, what
if Gally was wrong. What if we're not going to be okay?

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