Chapter nine

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Scarlett's POV:
Getting here was a blur. The minute we landed in the helicopter, we were rushed into this large facility. We were given time to shower and change into clean clothes. Then we were given some food. And now we're here. Teresa has been taken somewhere else. I sat on one of the bottom bunks just staring at the wall. A few gladers had already gone to bed. I saw Newt, Thomas and Minho talking in a corner. Occasionally glancing over at me.
At first I didn't know how to feel.
Now I know.
I am angry.
I felt like punching a wall or throwing  something.
I noticed a small wooden chair in the corner. That was it.
I stood up and started slowly walking towards the chair. I heard Newt call my name, but I ignored him. I walked over to the chair. I picked it up and chucked it at the concrete wall.
"Damn that felt good."
I realized that was the first thing thing  I had said since before the helicopter.
"Scarlett, talk to us."
It was Minho. I felt my anger bubbling up inside me again. I whipped around.
"You wanna talk Minho?!"
I realized I was yelling now.
"Let's talk about how you KILLED MY BROTHER! Oh but I guess you don't want to talk about that huh? You just want to make up some excuse?!"
"He almost killed one of us!"
"Exactly! Almost! Had he actually, then we would have done something! But the moment you hear a gunshot, it doesn't mean you just fling your spear into someone's chest godammit!"
"Scarlett I'm sorry," he said, putting his head down.
"You're sorry," I said in sort of a whisper. I realized I was crying now.
"That's it. Your sorry. No Minho. You're sorry when you make a mistake, not when you kill someone. Gally was supposed to make it out of here with us! It was supposed to be me and him against the world. Me and him! Now it's just me! There's no sorry here Minho! There's no forgiveness either! You are a monster!"
I sank to my knees, now full on sobbing. Newt rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms. "You're a monster," I managed to whisper out, one last time, between sobs. I cried into Newt's chest for a while. I thought about everything that had happened to us. And now everything that was going to happen. Everything I'd have to do without Gally.
After a while, when I finally started to calm down, Newt picked me up and brought me over to my bed. He laid me down and pulled the covers over me. I rolled over so that my back was to all of them. I couldn't look at them. Not now. As I dozed off, I questioned what my life would be now. Where we'd even be tomorrow?

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