Chapter four

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Scarlett's POV:
I woke up the next morning, momentarily forgetting what had happened the night before. Then the reality hit me. Minho, Alby and Thomas were stuck in the maze. I practically dragged myself out of bed, not wanting to not watch them walk out of the maze. I stepped out of my hut and decided to stay in the  doorway until the doors opened. Gally noticed me there and walked over. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, until we heard the rumble of the doors. We stood there watching everyone look into the maze and start walking away.
"Dammit," I said choking back tears.
I turned around to walk back into my hut, when Gally grabbed my shoulder. He spun me back around. "Look!" he exclaimed. I looked up at the mae doors to see Thomas and Minho, with Alby resting on each of their shoulders. I smiled and started running towards them.
"Minho you bastard!"
Minho's head perked up and he smiled when he saw me. They carefully laid Alby down and he pulled me into a hug when I got to him.
"I was so worried, you asshole!"
"Well it's like you said. 'Can't get rid of me that easily'," he said, smiling.
"Damn right we can't."

Later that evening, after the medjacks had fixed up Alby, and checked out Minho and Thomas, we all sat at a table for dinner. Thomas just wouldn't stop talking about the night.
"It was crazy! Honestly it was the craziest thing ever. When those doors first closed, it was like-"
"A pit in your stomach. Knowing you were probably not going to survive, but you still had to fight,"
I interrupted, my eyes still on my food. Everbody at the table looked at me. "Yeah. That was it," Thomas said uneasily. He turned back to Newt telling him more about it. I honestly couldn't sit there any longer.
"I'm not hungry," I said barely above a whisper. I got up and walked away.

Once I made it to my hut, I laid down on my bed. My mind was swimming with thoughts. I had hoped it would never happen to another glader, let alone three. And god, they almost came back as two. I was interrupted by a knock at my door. I sat up.
"Who is it?"
"It's Newt."
"Come in."
"Hey. What happened back there?"
"I couldn't sit there and listen to that shuckface, who's been here three days, talk about his amazing experience in the maze!" I realized was yelling now.
"I know."
"No you don't Newt!" I said jumping up.
"Yes I do," he said sympathetically, "I may have never spent a night in the maze, but me and you have shared experiences people may never understand. I get it."
I sat back down, and put my head down. Newt pulled me into a side hug and I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat like that for a while. Knowing that tomorrow, we'd all have to talk about it again, when we would have to discuss Thomas's punishment.

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