Chapter 12

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"All beautiful distractions, ignite from you."


Seher looked at Yaman and then hastily averted her eyes. Why was he making her life difficult by being so charming and affable?! She wanted to be furious with him. She had to make him understand that she had not forgiven him so easily. She said," I don't want to talk abou..."
Yaman interjected her mid sentence, as if reading her thoughts and said, "You are not obligated to forgive me or even answer me. Don't worry, Seher. Even if you pardon me, I will never be able to forgive myself for what I made you go through."

It was around 7 pm in the evening when they reached the mansion. Yaman stopped the car and turned to look at Seher. She was sleeping like an infant. For the first time in ages, she looked like she was sleeping without any cares and troubles in the world. There was no apprehension and anxiety on her face, no frowns on her forehead and she appeared immensely peaceful. He didn't want to wake her up and disturb her tranquility. He just wished to let her sleep like this and keep looking at her for infinity.

There was a lock of hair on her forehead which seemed to fall over her right eye. Yaman was fascinated by it and itched to touch this strand of hair and remove it from her eyes. He bent forward but suddenly restrained himself. He knew if she woke up and realized his intentions or saw him admiring her like this, it would be one more mark against him.

Oh! How he wished he could turn back time. He had lost count of the ways in which he deserved to apologize for what he had done to her. Every waking moment, he kept deliberating on how to atone for all his misdeeds against Seher. He was ready to spend his entire life asking for her forgiveness. If only she would pardon him! If only she would let him embrace her and let him worship her with his actions rather than mere words.

Yaman finally came out of his delicious daydreaming and gently called her name. When there was no response, he called again. He said, "Seher, wake up. We are home. " Seher slowly opened her eyes and was befuddled and a bit dazed. It took her a few moments to come back to her senses. When she did, she muttered " I am so sorry. I don't know how long I slept. Have we arrived?"
He smiled at her and said, "Evet".

The moment they entered the house, Yusuf came running down the stairs and squealed with delight," Teyze, teyze!! " He ran headlong into Seher and hugged her waist tightly. Seher bent down and picked Yusuf up in her arms and showered him with kisses. She felt as if she had found a lost piece of her heart. There were tears of happiness and joy in her eyes and she said," Teyzecim, birtanem. My sweetheart. Teyze missed you so much". Seher tried to pacify herself and be strong but she lost the battle. Tears were streaming down her face ceaselessly. She endeavoured to wipe her tears and said," You are Teyze's life. Oh, my darling child." Saying this she cuddled Yusuf again.

Finally when they drew apart, Seher found Yaman looking at them with a tender expression on his face and said,
"Tough guy, your teyze is tired. Let her freshen up a bit and then you can spend time with her. "
But Seher smiled amidst her tears and said, "No-no I m totally fine. Don't worry."

Yusuf held his Teyze's hand and started pulling her towards the stairs. He said, "Teyze, come to my room. I want to show you the new drawing I made. I have sketched you.Come,teyze,come!" Seher smiled indulgently and said, " Really?? I want to see it Yusufcim. Let us go", saying this she let Yusuf guide her towards his room.
Seher was really happy to be back with her Yusuf and felt a heavy weight lifting off her chest, seeing him healthy and cared for.

Yaman instructed Adalet to send refreshments for Seher in Yusuf's room.She was already exhausted from the journey and he knew she would forget taking her meal and sacrifice her own comforts while caring for Yusuf.

Half an hour later, Seher had dressed Yusuf into his pajamas and tucked him in bed. She was sitting on the bed, with Yusuf hugging her and lying beside her while she read a bed time story to him.

Yaman came quietly to the door and was looking at them affectionately. He loved these two so much! They were his universe, apart from Ziya Abi. He wanted to hug them both but knew at least one of the two wouldn't welcome the gesture right now. Eventually, Yusuf spotted him and called him in a thrilled voice, " Amca!"

As soon as Seher became aware of his presence, she blushed beautifully. Oh what all wouldn't he give to see her blush so gloriously. She was so dainty and all things feminine.
He came inside the room and sat on the chair next to Yusuf's bed. He fondly kissed Yusuf's forehead and asked, " Are you happy to meet your teyze, ateş parçası?"

Yusuf excitedly responded, "Çok çok happy, Amca". He then noticed Yusuf looking up at him in concentration, as if trying to ponder over something crucial and then asked, "Amca, did you give my kiss to Teyze, which I had sent through you?"

Seher was startled and instantly looked at Yaman. They had a brief eye contact before she looked away in alarm and embarrassment. Yaman kept looking unashamedly at her and without breaking his stare, said, " No tough guy, I could not. Do you want me to give it to your teyze now?"

Seher looked at him mutinously and with trepidation. She knew what he was trying to do. She could feel her heart pounding like crazy. She simply wanted to get up and run for her life but felt as if she had been rooted to the spot by his burning gaze.

Yaman was enjoying this far too much. He couldn't resist this marvelous opportunity to be close to his adorable wife. Yusuf nodded his head eagerly and said, "Evet Amca!" Yaman stood up and said, "Tamam".

He then came to the other side of the bed where Seher was sitting and took both her hands in his and gently made her stand up from the bed. Her hands were cold and damp from nervousness. Yaman looked into her eyes and there was a twinkle in his own, as he said, "We have to do as tough guy says."

He then bent forward and took his own sweet time, kissing her on both the cheeks. She was aflame and her treacherous face gave her away. Her hands were trembling now and she was beet red in the face. He steadied her tremulous hands and held them firmly in his own and then kissed her knuckles too. Before she could protest, he kissed her again on the forehead and looking at Yusuf, said, "Is it okay, tough guy?" Yusuf clapped joyously and said, " Yay Amca."

Yaman slowly bent his head forward and whispered in Seher's ear, " I love you...". Seher's green eyes became huge with panic and she was blinking nervously. He could see her trembling and before she could pull away her hand, he said, "Yusuf asked me to say this to you when I was coming to find you."

He then slowly released both her hands, smiled innocently at her and came back and took his seat on the other side of Yusuf's bed. Seher was still standing, dumbfounded ,stunned and frozen on the spot. She felt her heart would leave her ribcage, it was beating so fast.Yaman looked at her and said, " Yusuf's teyze, why don't you sit down?"

Seher's reverie was broken and she felt hugely embarrassed and shy and couldn't meet his eyes. She quickly sat down and was looking everywhere except him. She had never been so abashed in her life. She didn't know what to do and where to look anymore. She was jittery to even sit in the same room as Yaman. His presence was making her skittish and unnerved no end and she had no respite it seemed.

Yaman asked Yusuf, " So, tough guy, what story was your teyze telling you?" Yusuf replied, " It is called Beauty and the beast, Amca". Yaman looked at Seher and said, " I know this one, ates parçası. The beauty who transformed the beast. The beast who had become a hideous monster and becomes human and whole again after a wonderful young woman saves him with her love. Right?"

He again looked at Seher. She was shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Yaman said to Yusuf, " Do you know tough guy, this is based on a true story. I actually know a beast who was a lost cause. Not only the world but he too had given up on himself. But then an angel came into his life who was full of gentleness and love and the beast's ice cold heart started thawing. "

To be continued.

Note:- Yaman's serious groveling coming up !:-)

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