Chapter 25

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"The biggest and most important reason in the world is to be together with someone in a way that makes life a little less bleak and solitary and lonesome. To exchange the I for We. In the biggest sense of the word, it's cold outside. And kindness and affection and gentleness build a nice warm fire inside."

-John D. MacDonald

In the meantime that Yaman had gone to fetch breakfast for Seher, she decided to get up and take a quick shower. She was feeling exhausted and lethargic in the aftermath of events from the day before and since her fever had subsided, the only thing she wanted to do right now was to take a bath and freshen up.

She quickly picked up her washed undergarments as well as her dress, which Yaman had so meticulously cleaned and headed to the shower.

She felt heat suffuse her cheeks and felt warm all over, simply recollecting that he had touched her and her undergarments so familiarly! She understood that he was her husband and sooner or later they would become intimate, and God knew she wanted that! She wanted to love and be loved by her wonderful and affectionate husband! Her gentle beast!

But, she just couldn't seem to get rid of her shyness. Every time they were together, she could feel the palpable sexual current between them. The air was thick with anticipation and excitement. She felt a thousand lightening jolts flow through her body whenever Yaman just as much as merely looked in her direction!!! The man definitely knew how to undress with his eyes. He made her feel not only wanted and cherished but also desired. He made her feel like he wanted to make love to her without ever stopping.

Gosh, she blushed every time she thought of him!! He was over six feet of virile masculine strength, oozing sexual charisma and charm in a liberal dose. There was a predatory vibe to his entire aura. She felt like he was circling her and tending to her like a trained horseman would do to an agitated mare,until she forgot all her anxieties and became calm and then he would ride her very gently, pun intended. She was going crazy with her thoughts, expectations and 'comparisons', she hilariously thought!

She felt an aching and longing for Yaman, even though she felt an indescribable bashfulness to accept it to herself, let alone mention it to him. She knew he would wait as long as it took for her to feel comfortable and only then would he make her his own. She wanted to make him her own too!!! He was the love of her life and she wanted to share everything of hers with him, her dreams, her soul, her aspirations AND HER BODY!

If she was honest with herself, she would sometimes lie at night, tossing and turning in her bed, wondering how their lovemaking would be like.

She knew it was time to face her love and longing for Yaman and do something about it! She knew Yaman wanted to be close to her too and share the beautiful gift of intimacy which a married couple shared. But, God bless the man, he had never ever forced her and always respected her wishes. Ever the perfect gentleman! It was time she showed him her love and trust too!

With these thoughts she came out from the shower, refreshed and dressed up and was standing in front of the mirror when suddenly Yaman entered the room with breakfast tray in his hands.

Seher blushed furiously, thinking of what she bad been pondering over, just a while ago. Their eyes connected in the mirror and she felt as if she had been caught red handed with her secret thoughts! There was a knowing glint in Yaman's eyes and he looked at her with a rakish all-knowing smile. His gaze swept lazily over her body and she felt a shiver run through her body, seeing the intensity with which he was looking at her!

His slow perusal stopped briefly at the apex of her thighs, then continued upwards at her breasts, stopping briefly at her lips, before coming to a stop to look into her eyes again. Even though she was fully dressed, she felt vulnerable under his male gaze.

Remorse- Yaman realises all his sins.Where stories live. Discover now