It was cute, the rest of the family couldn't deny it, but they knew that they had just doomed Alphys and Undyne. Papyrus would totally try to play the matchmaker between them, and if he was just a bit like his Undertale counterpart –and he was, to some extents–, he wouldn't even be subtle about it.

Oh well, it wasn't their problem to deal with anyway. But they all made a mental note to not let Papyrus know if they find someone that they like. As much as the little one was adorable, they didn't want him to try and put them together with other people. Not like it would happen for Torment and Drako; they were probably the only teenagers in this Multiverse and they didn't feel like dating an adult or a child, thank you very much. Blade and Demise could always find a dragon in their AU, if they wanted to. They weren't sure for Gaster though.

"That would be adorable though..." Drako rolled his eyes with a soft smile, executing a back flip to get down of his tree and effectively landing on his feet. This small action –for him it was really a trivial thing to do, as he did it multiple times in the past, as well as a lot of more impressive figures, either to dodge or because he was bored– was followed by a gasp from Papyrus and Sans. Papyrus clapped with a bright smile on his face. 'You're only saying that because you have no risk of suffering from Papy's matchmaker's tendencies.'

Psyche snickered, nodding in the ex-Destroyer's SOUL. "I plead guilty~" Drako sighed with a smile, going to sit next to his brothers and simply grabbing a chocolate bar, which earned him a glare from Blade. This time, he actually took off the wrapper –he was trying to eat normally around the youngest of the family, not wanting them to try and imitate him just because 'Big brother does it!'– before eating the treat, making Torment nod in approbation. He then placed the wrapper in his pocket, for now. He did have the desire to throw it into UnderFell, but decided against it, knowing that the action would be met with a lot of swearing, that his baby brothers didn't need to hear. 'I swear that one day, I'll find a way to make you physical and you'll be sorry for all your teasing.'

Psyche shrugged and Drako felt them smirk slightly. "All the more reasons to annoy you while I still can then Glitchy~" Drako wasn't even surprised by this answer. Truth to be told, he would have said the same if he was in Psyche's place. "By the way, since we're talking about that, do you have any idea to make me physical?" Drako shrugged, gaining his family's attention, who quickly brushed it off, knowing too well about Psyche by now. 'Well firstly I need to know; you didn't try to do your 'poltergeist jokes', right?'

Psyche gasped and he felt them shook their head rapidly. "No! I totally forgot! I need to try!" Drako nodded in agreement. 'Yes, because if you can interact with objects around us, it may help a bit since it would mean that you already have a physical presence of sort, even if we can't see it.' Psyche nodded happily. "Alright, I know what to do once we get back home!"

Drako raised a brow at that. Technically, Psyche could already try with things surrounding them; like leaves on the ground, the picnic basket or really anything around them. But if they wanted to wait until they got back home, who was he to judge? 'I also thought about... 'Borrowing' a SOUL or two from Error's Anti-Void to examine the codes of it. There should still be traces of Frisk and Chara's bound, which could help.' He felt Psyche nod in his SOUL, humming softly. "I guess it could, yes, but Chara is a ghost, unlike me. I'm just a Voice, not sure that it's going to help you much."

Drako shrugged, watching his father put everything back into the picnic basket while lazily playing with his strings. 'I'm not sure either, but we need to try everything that we can if we want to actually succeed in creating you a physical form.' Psyche shrugged inside of his SOUL. "Alright then, if you think that it can help."

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