52. picked the wrong one

Start from the beginning


I fet the sunlight from the rising sun on my face as I slowly woke up. I realized I'm not in my bed as I opened my eyes. It took me a second before I completely paniced.

I was still at Joe's house, laying on his couch with him not far from me. We must have fallen asleep during the third movie yesterday.

I shoot up and grab my phone, it's only 5:30am, still early. I shook Joe's arm, "Joe wake up" I said as I shook his arm some more.

After another try he finally woke up, "Tay?" He says in a confused tone. "Yes emh we fell asleep. It's morning and Harry will probably kill me for not going home at the time I said I would be home"

Joe rubbed his eyes as he shook his head, "Calm down teds, just go put on some clean clothes first, okay?" I looked at him with a confused look.

"You left some here, just put on some of those, they are in the room you used when you moved in first. I didn't get around to cleaning up, I was gone a lot for work." He explained. I nodded, "thank you, you are a life saver, truly"

I walk upstairs and grab some clothes. I put on some simple shorts and a black t-shirt with some flower on it. I went back downstairs as I softly smiled at Joe.

"Okay, I should go now. We will text, we should meet up again soon" I said as I hugged him. He hugged me bacl and slightly rubbed my back, "Come around any time. I'm home for the next few weeks until my next project." he said with a soft smile.

I thank him again before leaving his house and quickly getting in my car, once again not noticing someone took a picture. I drive to the supermarket and grabbed some fresh bread for breakfast before quickly going home. I had hidden my dress in my bag.

I know I shouldn't lie but I knew Harry wouldn't believe me if I said nothing happened and we just fell asleep, even if he did believe me, he wouldn't be happy with it. So I decided I could just say I left early to go get fresh stuff for breakfast.

I walked inside of the house as the clock hits 7am. Nobody was up yet. I walked into the kitchen and started getting things out for breakfast. I set the table and started making some chocolate pancakes.

Halfway in Harry come downstairs. He didn't say anything but just walked to the kitchen counter and leaned against it. "Hi" I mumbled as I flipped a pancake. "Mm" he groaned, it annoyed me he wasn't even saying anything. "You were home late yesterday" He suddenly said.

I nodded, "Yeah" I didn't know what to say, I didn't know till when he stayed up. "You weren't home at eleven, not at eleven thirty either. When did you get home?" he looked at me with a judging look in his eyes.

"We were watching a movie, it ended around eleven thirty. I finished my glass of wine and got back, not sure what time but it mustn't been past twelve thirty." I lied as I took the pancake out of the pan and poured some of the pancake mix in.

"Mm, alright. Did you have fun?" he looked at me with a stern face. I just nodded, not sure what to say. "It was nice talking to him again" I stated.

"I'm gonna get El out of bed" he mumbled before walking out. I groaned before finishing the chocolate pancakes.

Breakfast was quiet apart from some comments made by Elodie. After breakfast I brought Elodie to school before returning home.

Harry was on the couch, not saying anything as I sat down next to him. I rested my head against his side as I looked up at him. "Baby" I softly said. He just looked down before looking back to the television.

I sighed before getting up. I walked to the hallway and grabbed my bag as I slid into a pair of heels before walking out, slamming the door behind me.

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