"Wouldn't you like to know." You said between gritted teeth as you firmly yanked your arm out of his grasp, and hopped over his outstretched legs. He turned back towards the fight as you walked up the steps to grab the notebook. Of course the rest of the class that was spectating hear you guys, but they were so used to you guys arguing and yelling they didn't pay it any mind.

"Hey Y/N!" You looked over, and sighed as you gripped the notebook in your hands.

"Hey Kirishima." You responded getting a relaxed smile on your face. 

"Wanna sit over here?" He asked.

You looked down at Bakugo, and Kirishima did too. It looked like he didn't care, and he probably didn't. "Yeah sure. Better than sitting next to that ticking bomb of anger. Do you have a pen by chance?"

"Oh, yeah sure!" He reached in his pocket, and pulled out a Crimson Riot themed pen. What are the chances he would actually have a pen in his pocket?

You gently grabbed it from him, and started looking at it. "Dude, I love your pen." You told him. "Where'd you get it?"

"Thanks," He got a huge toothy grin. "I don't remember actually. I've had it forever."

"Sick." You told him as you uncapped it, and found Todoroki's page. You could feel Kirishima reading over it as you wrote, but unlike loudmouth he just sat there and observed until you took a break from writing to look back up.

"Is that yours?" He asked motioning towards the notebook.

"Huh? Oh, no. This is Izuku's. I wouldn't be able to do this I would get too bored." You laughed, and he started laughing too.

"Yeah, I believe that. You're like the opposite of Midoriya huh Y/N?"

"I mean, yeah. Kind of at least." You looked back up, and they stopped fighting. It looked like Izuku was yelling something at Todoroki who stood there frozen. 

You could hear the end of his yell, "yours's not his!" Before Todoroki's left side lit up with flames. Your eyes widened as you watched. You never saw him use his left side, and the way the flames danced in the wind was mesmerizing. Todoroki got a huge grin on his face it almost looked unnatural before they started fighting again. They went back and fourth, and it looked like some of Izuku's fingers were completely shattered as they were a darker purple and had more internal bruising from using them more. You watched as the pros tried to stop what looked like both of their final moves. Cementoss put huge concrete walls in between them both, and Midnight started to let out some of her perfume gas. It was a huge explosion. Not like Bakugo's but it was so bright you covered your eyes along with the rest of your class before a huge wind carried around the entire stadium. You felt like it was going to tear your head right off it was so strong. Holding onto the notebook was another chore, but you managed.

When the smoke cleared they were both still standing, except... "Izuku Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki advances to the next round!" You shut the book, and quickly put Kirishima's pen back in his hands before turning to leave.

"He's fine." A voice came from the only entry you were trying to leave from. Izuku fell after Midnight announced that the round was over, and now the paramedics were rushing in. 

"Get out of the way Bakugo! I need to go make sure!" You immediately started yelling at him.

He stepped in the way, and as you tried to fight your way through he just stood there acting as a barrier. "They aren't going to let you see him until he's fully examined anyways just sit down."

"No!" You let out, irritated. You didn't even care that the rest of your class was staring at you now. 

"Use your damn brain you idiot! They aren't going to let you go see him, and your match is coming up anyways! He needs healed from Recovery Girl, so just sit!"

The Quirkless Twin Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu