Night at the Amusement Park

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"Do you really have to go?" Yu-yu asked a blue haired girl. Once she was done wearing her shoes, she stood up and dusted the skirt of her sailor uniform and looked at him.

"Don't worry, those two won't trouble you, 'kay?" the girl said, giving him a close eyed smile. Yu-yu frowned.

"If you say so," he said unsure. The girl rolled her eyes.

'Hey, have I ever lied to you?' the girl asked. 


'Then why're you worried. If anyone should be worried, it should be Akiko and Yukiko. Kay?' 

Yu-yu sighed. 'If you say so Riri.'

The girl smiled, "Good. I'll be going now, but I'll be back sooner than you know it," she assured him and ran out.



"Well, that's all I guess," Ririchiyo said.

"Thanks for the amazing meeting Ms. Kondo, I'm pretty sure our club will gain more students in no time!" One of the students remarked.

Ririchiyo just smiled, "No prob." Suddenly her phone buzzed. 

"Huh? Aki...?" She answered it.

"Hello?" Akiko said something causing Ririchiyo's eyes to widen.



"So you're telling me, you forced Yu-yu to cross-dress, which made him run away?" Ririchiyo asked both her sisters, who were sitting on the table while she was standing across them. Both nodded. Ririchiyo slammed her hand on the desk.

"What were you both thinking?!"

"We're sorry Riri," Akiko muttered.

"Akiko, I love you and so does Yu-yu, and you know that boy can't say that two lettered word for some reason, then why do you take advantage of it?" Ririchiyo asked causing Akiko to look down. She then turned to the other bluenette.

"And you, Yukiko, couldn't you have stopped her? You're supposed to be older than her!"

"I'm sorry Riri, I really am."

Ririchiyo started getting angry again when her mother placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Riri, I know you're upset about what they did to Yu-yu, but you have to calm down," Natsuko said. Taking a deep breath, she nodded.

"Yeah, you're right mom," she took out her phone and dialed a number.


"Thank you so much," Ririchiyo said, ending the call.

"Well, what did they say?" Akiko asked.

"They said they'll do their best," Ririchiyo told and walked away, went into her room, closing the door, and collapsing on her bed. She brought out her deck case and spread it out. It would seem she uses the Keter Sanctuary deck. She sighed and looked out the window.

"Why on earth Yu-yu?..."


At the amusement park

Tomari had just disclosed the fact that Yu-yu was actually a boy and his condition. As he talked to the others, she remarked.

"You know, the girl on the other side was pretty panicked despite her calm voice. She must really care about you."

Yu-yu looked at her and frowned in guilt, "Yeah. Riri is really nice."

"Riri?" The other's questioned.

"My sister. She's quite opposite to me though," Yu-yu gulped, thinking about 'Dark Riri'.

"Hehe, she sounds like a fun person to me," Danji said.

"She is...," Yu-yu sighed. "I hope I didn't worry her too much..."

"That's something hard to wish," Tomari stated, sweatdropping.


"YU-YU!" Ririchiyo exclaimed, hugging the boy-dressed-as-a-girl.

"R-Riri? Why are you still awake?" Yu-yu asked, glancing at the clock, which showed 1 am.

"Riri has been worrying about you the whole time. She didn't even go to sleep when Akiko and Yukiko told her too, she was just laying awake," Natsuko said.

"Riri... is that true?" Yu-yu asked as she broke the hug. His gaze was firm. Ririchiyo rolled her eyes and flicked his head.

"Oi, stop being Mr. Worrywart all of a sudden. Now go to your room and get out of that goddamn dress. Those two..." she grumbled the last part. Yu-yu obliged and went to his room.


Ririchiyo was sitting on her bed, adjusting her deck when someone knocked at her door. She looked at it confused.

"Come in."

The door opened and Yu-yu, now is his normal attire, came in.

"Yu-yu? Why're you still awake?"

"I-I wanted to do some research in your room since mom never checks whether you're awake or not but she checks mine, but I don't know why," he muttered the last sentence.

An amused smile made it's way to Ririchiyo's face. Yu-yu, the last person you expect to break a rule, is actually disobeying Natsuko's order about all of them to be asleep by 1 am, with the exception of Ririchiyo, who has record of breaking rules, but still being one of the top student at school and everywhere.

"Sure," she smiled.

"Thanks Riri! You're the best!" he smiled and sat on the desk. Ririchiyo smiled at him and continued adjusting her deck. Yu-yu glanced at her and then at the cards.

"Isn't that.... Vanguard?" Ririchiyo perked up and looked at him, intrigued.

"You know about the game?" she quickly asked.

"N-no! I just-well-how do I say this....?" Yu-yu explained all that had happened. By the end of it, Ririchiyo's mouth hung open.

"Woah... you had some day..." Ririchiyo said. Yu-yu nervously chuckled and looked at her cards.

"Keter Sanctuary?..."

"That's my deck," Yu-yu looked confused.

"You'll see." Ririchiyo smiled. Yu-yu shrugged and went back to his research as Ririchiyo picked up a card. It depicted a woman wearing a warrior dress. She had long silver hair and crystal blue eyes. Below, a name was written.

'Warrior of Holy Light, Azura'


Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now