"Was she now?" He smiled. "Thank you! These idiots rarely remember to worry about me so it’s a nice change."

"What can I say; I’m an altruist." I returned the smile.

"That you are, doll!" Caden took a swig of the bottle in his right hand.

"Did you just seriously call me a doll?" I wasn’t sure how to react; I was getting too used to him calling me a kid.

"Well, you kind of look like one," he answered, taking in my features. "Small, with big green eyes and round mouth… All you’re missing are the pink cheeks." He let go of his drink and reached towards my face.

"Ouch!" I cried out as he pinched my cheeks. Though it was actually a really slight pinch.

"There we go!" He exclaimed joyfully, looking down at me from his seat on the bar. "That takes care of that."

"What’s gotten into him today?" Cillian asked Ash while pointing at Caden.

"You mean the way he treats her? He’s like that around her. I think he views her as sort of a pet," Asher explained.

"Pretty much," Caden added. "She’s just so childish."

"And yet she’s got the body of a woman," Keegan piped up to my right. I hadn’t even realized he was now in the pub.

" You’re late," Caden turned to him. "I hate waiting."

"At least you’ve got better company than usual because of Alice." The former winked at me.

"Alice not of Wonderland", Cillian added handing each Keegan and Asher a beer. "And what would you want?" He turned to me.


"You’ve got your… special ID with you and you ask for a soda?" He questioned in disbelief.

"Yep!" I popped the "p".

"You really are like a kid then!" He shook his head in amusement and gave me my drink.

"And she’ll probably never grow up," Caden added.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I was thinking about moving to Neverland for that. But I really like Wonderland as well and I couldn’t make up my mind about it. Maybe I should just go to Wonderland first, pick up some cookies and mushrooms and make some of the inhabitants move to Neverland with me." I started to ponder the options.

"Oh-oh! I got a feeling this is going to take a while," Ash exclaimed.

"I got a solution!" Caden said, leaning to the back of the bar and getting something. It turned out to be one of those lollypops that had a creamy filling at the center. "Here you go, kid! Enjoy!"

"Thanks!" I unwrapped it and placed it in my mouth.

"Told you I had a solution to keep her quiet." Caden smiled smugly.

So that’s why I was getting my treat! Well, it would take more than that to keep me silent. Now where was I? Oh, yeah… Wonderland characters in Neverland.

"Or…" I took the lollypop out of my mouth and continued with my narrative. "I could just find out what makes people in Neverland stop aging and take it to Wonderland." I heard the boys groan. He-he! It will be fun to see how peeved I can get them with my babbling. "I mean apart from the not-aging thing Wonderland is much more fun than Neverland. Although I should also bring along a few pixies. I need their help to fly…"

"Kid," Caden gave another groan, "can’t you just stay down there and suck on it quietly?"

Asher, Keegan, the bartender and I burst out laughing.

"Oh, God, that came out wrong!" Caden tried to correct himself. "I didn’t mean for it to sound sexual."

"Hey, Caden, baby!" Somebody out of my line of vision purred.

I turned around and saw a tall, tanned girl with light brown hair and rather admirable-sized tits.

"Hey…" Caden greeted unsure. "Um…"

"Tiffany," she added, apparently not caring he didn’t remember her name.

"Yeah, that," he said in a "whatever" tone, taking a gulp of his beer.

She still didn’t seem offended. On the contrary, she was looking at him as if he was some sort of gallant Prince Charming.

I stared at her wide-eyed. I just didn’t get her. I had to admit that Caden’s looks were to die for but I didn’t think I could ever be interested in someone who treated me that way.

I watched as she started pulling out trick after trick to get his attention: she would play with her hair, lick and bite her lips and whatever else you could think of. In the end she invited him to join her out "for a smoke". Caden gulped down the rest of his beer, got off the bar and without a word just grabbed the girl pulling her out of the place.

"I think this time he agreed more out of boredom than of anything else." Asher said after they were gone.

"Does this happen often?" I queried, turning to him.

"You mean chicks making fools of themselves to get to him? Yeah, pretty often," Keegan answered my question with a barely-there note of jealousy in his tone.

"And he just goes along with what they do?" I asked still puzzled.

"Hey, Caden’s a growing boy. He has his needs." Keegan defended.

Needs, huh? I bet his needs were being thoroughly taken care of by Tiffany right now…

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