"But you told me not to spend time with her and-"

"You and I both know you won't listen to my warning." He shot me a cheeky grin and I chuckled because it's true. "I'm just telling you to be careful." He gave me a last look before opening the door.

Duomo didn't give me the option to walk since he began carrying me inside. I groaned while he laughed. My moms stood from the table and rushed to me. They were holding onto me while Duomo placed me on my bed. He then saluted me before leaving me with my terrified moms.

"Maybe we pushed her too much and she should stay home." My maman said.

"Normally, I'd push back, but this is becoming a recurring theme and-"

"I want to still go to school." They looked at me. "I just have to try and control when I have flashbacks. It's just that they're so overpowering and I'm thrust back into those situations and I feel the pain all over again." I sighed. "But I want to still go to school. It makes me feel somewhat normal." I whispered.

"Ma petite chou, please don't talk about your differences in a negative manner." My maman placed an arm around me. "It hurts me to know that you're internally in pain." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Would it be better to talk about your experiences with us?" My mum held my hands.

"I try to avoid reliving the trauma, but I promise to tell you about my flashbacks." I negotiated with them. They sighed, but nodded.

I laid down on my mum's lap. She played with my hair until I fell asleep. I woke up to my head on a pillow and myself under the covers. I pushed the covers off and got out my bed. I still had homework to do, so I quickly finished that work.

I went onto the balcony and looked at the night sky. The view was beyond beautiful with the city lighted up. I sighed and leaned against the railing. I was about to go back inside, but I smelt something with basil and tomatoes. I then recognized the scent of the human and the delicious object being carried.

I jumped off my balcony and easily landed on my feet. I jogged and effortlessly scaled the gate. I jumped over the gate and leaned against the wall. I smiled when I spotted Luca. He jumped at seeing me casually waiting outside the villa.

"Stalking me, pizza boy?" I tiled my head with a smile.

"Ahh, no." He chuckled. "Ellio was stressed after hearing about your seizure. I was also concerned and asked if I could come by and see you. He was a bit reluctant but ended up giving your address since he wanted me to shut up." He laughed and observed the outside. "And damn your place is beautiful." He met my eyes. "Oh, made this for you. Kinda like a get well gift?" He nervously handed me the pizza box.

I smiled and opened it. My heart melted at the margarita pizza. He sprinkled basil to say: Get well :) I smiled at the message. He beamed at my happiness. I subtly took a sniff of the air and didn't sense anyone nearby. I took his hand and walked to a wall overlooking the cliff. He sat down with me.

"Now, you have to eat it with me." I handed him a slice.

"Sure." He smiled and took the slice.

"Thanks by the way. This made my day." I tasted the delicious pizza. "This is really good."

"Thanks." He smiled. "So what happened?"

"I got overwhelmed with the lights and I maybe prone to seizures. We'd have to get that checked out." I partly lied. "How was your day?"

"Uh.. fine!" I could detect his heartbeat speed up. He's lying.

"Why do I get the impression that's not the truth?" I lifted a brow.

"Because it's a lie." He sighed. "Same old, same old." He shrugged. "Though it was weird because Naomi was in such a bad mood that she shoved Rocco." That did seem a bit out of character for her. "But she pushed him so hard that he ended up fracturing his arm." I choked on my slice, so he gently patted my back. "Yeah, my reaction too. Looks like you aren't the only strong girl at school." He heartily laughed while I nervously laughed.

"Wonder what got her riled up?" I averted my eyes and thought about her encounter with Duomo.

"No idea, but I overheard her cursing out the girl who was flickering the lights or something. She was blaming the girl for your seizure." He stated.

"She what?"

"Yea. It was a whole thing. She even slammed the girl against the wall and got dangerously close to her. Rocco had to separate them. That's why she shoved him and fractured his arm. She seemed to snap out of her trance when she saw him groaning in pain. Naomi immediately tried helping him and felt terrible I guess for messing with his arm." He shrugged.

"Interesting." I ate the rest of my slice.

Strangling My Voice: Zena's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now