Chapter 14: The Heart

Start from the beginning

He chuckled and rolled his eyes when at last the window slid open and the boy poked his head out. With his dark grey, almost black hair, pale skin that nearly glowed in the moonlight and his sparkling emerald eyes trained innocently on Malachi, he could, for a brief moment see what the dames of Ecrin are so attracted to.

Colin let out a nervous sigh. "Malachi... are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, sneaking out? I've never done this bef—" Malachi held a finger to his lips and smirked.

"Colin, you worry too much. You need to live a little. Trust me, I promise it'll be worth it after a whole night of drinking and singing down at the tavern."

Colin frowned and grabbed Malachi's wrist, pulling his finger off his mouth. He gave his hand a cautious sniff. "Did you spit in your hands again?" He cocked a brow.

Malachi shrugged and pat his friend on the back. "It helps me climb."

Colin grimaced and nearly gagged. "You're repulsive," he grumbled and sighed as he let go of his wrist. "Just give me a second to grab my lute..." He ducked back inside and rushed across his room, then returned with his polished rosewood lute strapped to his back.

"Okay... now how do we get down?"

Malachi grinned confidently and moved aside, turning around and grabbing onto the vines again. With a sly wink at his anxious friend, he expertly began swinging his hands from vine to vine until he neared the bottom of the wall and let himself drop the rest of the way. He landed gracefully, then turned and looked up at Colin who waited in the window.

"You've got this, buddy." He crossed his arms and leaned his back against the wall. Colin timidly crawled out the window and latched onto the vines for dear life.

While Malachi waited, he pulled a pipe from his coat pocket and lit it up, puffing out smoke and feeling a small buzz fill his head from the fumes of the shimmergrass. He was using the last of his supply, but he knew the right people to get more in his hands in no time.

Once he finished his pipe, he heard a sudden snap and didn't even turn his head as Colin let out a muffled yelp and fell face-first to the dirt in front of him. Malachi simply chuckled and pushed off from the wall, offering a hand to his flimsy friend.

Colin groaned and took his hand, letting him help him up. Malachi grinned. "And people say that you're the graceful one," he teased. Colin scoffed and pulled his hand back, crossing his arms and pouting irritably in a way that reminded Malachi of a pissed-off kitten.

He sighed and looked around. "Ready to go?" he asked.

Colin nodded and scratched the back of his head. "I'm already this far. Can't exactly go back now."

Malachi pat him on the shoulder and smiled. "Just follow me. You won't regret this," he said and turned to run off towards the street. Colin brushed the dirt off himself and nervously bit his lip as he followed his friend into the night city.

Malachi walked, still snapping his fingers to the beat of the bard song and humming merrily while Colin tried to keep up while also keeping his eye out for guards or anyone who could get him in trouble with his parents. Not because they would be mad at him, but because he knew they already think that Malachi is a bad influence on him. But he didn't care. They have always balanced each other out and it was unlikely that was going to change anytime soon.

Malachi led him to the main plaza of Ecrin and stopped to stare at the tavern. Colin caught up and looked at it and saw the patrons occasionally enter and exit, and the tavern owner stood outside to check everyone who passed by.

Colin went to give Malachi a nervous glance, only to see that Malachi had already started walking up to enter the tavern. Colin sighed and rushed after him.

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