Bye :( my love

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Bumblebee POV

Well today's the day,blades is going back to griffin rock but it'll be okay since we're spark mates now I can feel him and he can feel me whenever and wherever.
"Well Bee this goodbye for now I'll miss you" blades says hugging me,of course I hug back but when we let go I just want him more,then he's through the ground bridge miles and miles away.

I let out a sigh and decide to go on a drive I just need a break

3rd person POV
Optimus watched as bumblebee drove off and Arce tried to go and check on him but instead surprisingly Ratchet insisted on going witch of course he got permission cause no one can say no to ratchet

Moments later
Ratchet found bumblebee sitting on a cliff just looking down, ratchet walks up to him and sits next to him

"Alright what's wrong little bee?"
"I,I just miss him already that's all"
"Mmhhmm I'm just gonna scan you for any injuries okay?"
"Yeah sure"
"Your all good tho your spark seems to be much stronger and different in some way....Open up"

" yes now do it"

Bumblebee opens his chassis to reveal an orange spark instead of his half and half its full orange

"Bumblebee do you have a spark mate!?"
" who is it?"
" blades"
" don't get mad it actually happened, last night"
bumblebee scooted away from ratchet while he takes it in and surprisingly ratchet just nods then gets up, pats bee on the head and drives off back to base to leave a dumbfounded bumblebee

"Ratchet welcome back,how was bumblebee?" Optimus asks
Ratchet goes to his medbay and motions for the prime to come over and so he did

"Fine actually more than fine I think bumblebee found a trueness or love in him but I'd just not ask him anything until he tells you some stuff" ratchet says smirkingly

"Whatever you say old friend" he replies then walks off to his berth room to recharge

3 days later....
The bots were all hanging around the base since no deception activity was going on. Bulkhead and miko were out racing Arcee and jack. Smokescreen was playing video games with raf. Optimus was just watching cause he was bored. Ultra magnus was watching the computers while ratchet and wheeljack were out on their date. Bumblebee was sitting.just sitting on the floor crisscrossed against the wall

"Yo bee wanna play? I can't beat raf at racing and I'm good at it!?"
No answer
Then bee gets up and walks down the hall with no comment,and the three were looking with the ( What the heck?) face.
Bumblebee goes to the supply room and finds some wires and small metal pieces to make a metal flower crown. He sat down and started to get to work, the reason why he left was because him and blades were talking through the spark lines.  Then static came into bees ears then he heard a very familiar voice
:/ Bee? You there:/
"Yup I'm here how you been babe?"
:/Good you?:/
"Fine though smokescreen is getting a bit annoying"
:/ Ha my Poor little bee:/
"That doesn't sound as comforting when you say it like that lol"
:/ did you just SAY L.O.L hajajajahahhahah/:
"Psshshs shut up "
:/hehe love you my bee now I gotta go another rescue coming/:
"Okay love you too bye"

Then the comm goes off and bee looks down to see his crown he made and by his surprise he didn't know he was good at making crowns lol this is what it looked like

Then the comm goes off and bee looks down to see his crown he made and by his surprise he didn't know he was good at making crowns lol this is what it looked like

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He put the crown on and walked out of the room to where Optimus and the other two were

Optimus: "Bumblebee where were you?"

Bumblebee:"sorry just thinking also sorry I ignored you Smokey just was busy"

Smokey: "it's okay I know oh and nice crown it really suits you"

Optimus: yes I agree,where did you get it though?

Bumblebee: o made it actually

Optimus: ah well you have very good hand work

Bumblebee: thank you

Then bumblebee heads to the medibay to see ratchet setting things up

Bumblebee: how was the date?
Ratchet: eh better than i thought now come sit so I can check you over your due for your check up

Bumblebee sits on a birth while ratchet scans him and asks him stuff. He was done in less than an hour and was told to drink some medicine for his scratchy throat. It helped when it was all through him.

(A week and three days later-bumblebee and ratchet didn't tell anyone about bee and blades being spark mates-also bumblebee has been more silent then normal-Also Arcee apology's to bee and he accepted )

It was early morning when an energon signal blared off the walls. Ratchet sent the team to the location through the groundbridge

(Random forest )

When the team  get there they see vechicons digging and star scream and sound wave there ordering around the mechs

He yells which causes half of them to stop digging and go after the autobots. Team prime shoots each one or punches them, then starscream comes down and runs toward Bumblebee, bee sees but before he could react he gets stabbed on the right side of his chassis, which makes him hold the now bleeding spot and looks up at him then screamer does it again but on his left side of his stomach which causes bumblebee to double over in pain. Optimus sees and starts running over but just as he's about to reach him, starscream picks bee up, transforms, flies up a couple hundred feet the drops him!!

He yells as he runs toward his falling son
They all stopped fighting after killing the last few vechicons. They all run in different directions to save bee. He was falling limply in the air then when Optimus jumps he's able to grab bee and hold him bridle style

Arce:Optimus you get bumblebee back the rest of us can get the energon

Optimus: thank you Arcee, I will be back as soon as I can

Arcee: no problem just make sure he's okay
Optimus nods then contacts ratchet for a ground bridge, it appears instantly and Optimus runs through

Ratchet was doing surgery on bumblebee while Optimus helped the best he could. Thankfully the stab wound was not bad on his chassis but the stomach part was harder to stitch since it was a bigger hole,but ratchet managed to fix it

2 hours later- the rest got back with loads of energon and ratchet was cleaning up while Optimus watched an unconscious bumblebee

Ratchet: he'll be fine just needs rest and trust me he's a strong little mech for someone his age

Op:I know I was just scared that something bad could have happened.

Just then ultra magnus steps in
"Sir an incoming call from sigma17 would you like to answer it?"
"Yes I will be right there"
He replies and gets up to got to the screens to answer it, when he does it's heatwave
/Optimus prime sir we have a situation/

" what kind? Is it something bad?"

/not really? I don't know it's just blades has been acting very sick the past week or so,we don't know if it's a virus or not so we kept him away in his room but he's been vomiting even more now, and is more emotional than before, we're worried./

"Do not worry I will send ratchet over tomorrow to check on him,just make sure he stays in his berthroom"
/yes sir thank you and have a good night/
"Thank you same as well"
Then the call ended and prime goes to ratchet in the medbay
"Ratchet I need you to head to griffin rock tomorrow to give blades a check up as he was feeling sick the past week"
Then out of no where Bumblebee sits up and says " I'll go with"

Optimus:No you just randomly got up and are still in an unstable condition you are staying

Ratchet: Actually bee would be a good help if he came, he could keep blades calm with his 'oh so magic talking' powers

Op: are you sure Ratchet?
Ratchet:yes now go get sleep you look dead

Optimus goes down the hall as Ratchet sighs and smirks at bee

Ratchet: told ya I have your back kid

Bumblebee smiles and lays back down for some recharge. Oh how he can't wait to see blades again!

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