One week.

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long!! I've been trying to so hard but I've never found time. But I'm doing it now cause I've wanted to finish this chapter for a long time-
Also to be nice it gets a lil' more fruity then usual just to make it up to you guys and gals and none-binary pals  ;) { no it's not smut it's just extra fluffy fluff ٩( ᐛ )و }
Happy reading💛

One week..

One week and we are out...

The feeling of despair taking over our bodies being here will be gone.

Gundam's POV

I brought my head up from my desk as I looked around the classroom, seeing faces that I'll likely never see again. That feeling was comfort to my soul
I felt my heart drop as the school bell rang loudly into my ears.

Finally I was freed from that stupid class...walking through the halls I made my way to a locker that I've been going to for a while
He wasn't here yet but honestly it just proves my point that leaving will improve our lives. Souda has still been getting pestered by others and has had to have taken short cuts to stay out of their way. The poor boy can't even breath at this point without being judged. I looked past and saw few people that will be escaping with me.
Himiko and Tenko were walking hand in hand heading to god knows where.
Shingujji and Amami were speaking at the anthropologist's locker and Shuichi and Kokichi were going over a book against lockers.
Before he knew it his lover was softly tapping his shoulder
"Gettin' lost in those crazy thoughts of yours huh?" He elbowed him playfully as he opened his locker and began to put in his books from his last class
"It's lovely to see you too dear." He chuckled softly before the mechanic closed the metal door and hugged the black haired boy
"Aren't you excited...!" He whispered while giving his iconic smile "I am love, very. We've worked hard for this so why wouldn't I be?" He gave his lover a soft kiss and smiled
The two got used to the stares at this point in their relationship.
Before they knew the bell rang, and the couple separated to head off.

The fuzzy feeling that the two adored had only grew knowing they'd be able to be themselves once they were gone.

One week.


As the two made their way to Tanaka's room after school to discuss the plan one last time they had ran into...people,

"Well would you look at that?"
As much as they hoped their hopes were shattered
In front of them were the dicks who had shoved Kazuichi into Tanaka's gym locker months back
"No I refuse to deal with foolish mortals like yourself." He squinted his different coloured eyes and gripped the mechanic's hand "what? You're really trying to protect the stupid mechanic? You really are pathetic aren't you?" One of them snarled while shaking his head in fake disbelief

"You guys are just..SUPER, insecure aren't you?" Souda said rather loudly to make them hear him clear, the bullies raised their brows

They could feel the cold stare practically burn into their skin,
"F*cking d*kes" ( if you don't know what it is just replace the * with a y. I'm not a lesbian so I can't use it. So I'll censor it instead. :) )
one of them said in what sounded like disbelief

"That is a term for a lesbian. If you're going to insult us then please use the right terms." Tanaka scoffed as he looked the boys up and down

As the boys made their way to the breeders dorm they erupted in a fit of laughter, both falling against the door

"Jesus they looked at us like we were some kinda creatures.." Kazuichi snorted
"Like I said if they're going to insult us they can do it right." Gundam said as he rolled his eyes playfully and brought his body up and offered his hand to Kazuichi
He took it quickly and they made his their way to Tanaka's room
"So Teruteru isn't here?" Souda said to try and lighten the mood as they sat on the black haired boys bed "Apparently so. I haven't seen him for some time actually. Quite strange" Tanaka chuckled to himself softly
"Hey Gundam.."
Souda muttered as he brought his back against the wall. "Yes love?" He copied his lover and brought himself against the wall as well
"Why do you think people are so against us? I know it's not everyone but sometimes it can feel like it. I mean I have to take different turns in the halls so most people can't...pick on me." Kazuichi felt himself mumble the last bit of his sentence
"Oh Kazuichi...I cannot fault you for feeling that way. People just seem to be ignorant. I promise you that that'll all go away once we flee." Tanaka gripped his lover's hand and squeezed it softly
Souda still looked puzzled yet he shook it away and sat himself on the other boys lap, placing his head in
Tanaka's face flushed as the feeling of his lovers breath tickled his neck
The two just sat in a comfortable silence. The sound of each other's heartbeat was calming. "I can't wait to leave here...with you, and everyone. Thank you Tanaka..for always being next to me. Means a bunch." Souda giggled as he realized how cheesy his words were. But at this point it didn't bother him at all. One week. That's it


I've been feeling extra motivation  so I'm taking the chance to update!! ٩(^‿^)۶💛
Also I'm terrified of checking my notifications cause I have....

500- 👁👄👁
Anyways, bye bye!! C:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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