I shook my head. "I am afraid I'm not an angel. I'm just a lowly gypsy with a soft heart." He looked at me again, his gaze was more focused but confused. "If you're a Gypsy, then why are you helping me. I have done nothing but persecute you kind..." I finished applying the bandages before I responded. "Well, I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. They may just need a little guidance." He nodded, seeming to become troubled in his thoughts.

All of a sudden, the familiar running of a bell sounded. I looked at Claude, asking, "Are you hungry?" He nodded his head, trying to get up. I immediately went to help and made sure he made it safely out of the Varda and to the campfire where dinner would be held.

They save you:
It had been about a week since Claude had woken up, and though he was tense and standoffish at first, he had started to warm up to me and my family. He helped as often as possible and tried to apologize every time he thought he had offended one of us. My family had gladly accepted him the night he joined us for dinner, patting him on the back and making sure he got enough to eat.

Today was grocery day, and I was sent to get them, Claude quickly offering to help me. I gratefully accepted, and we were on our way to the Paris marketplace. As Claude's previous clothes had been severely torn and stained with blood, they were no longer wearable, and he had to borrow some clothes from my uncle, which, I must say, added to his handsomeness.

(His outfit, just without the sword)

I had told him to go grab some dried herbs and other nonperishables, so we had separated for a moment, as I went to get fruit and vegetables

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I had told him to go grab some dried herbs and other nonperishables, so we had separated for a moment, as I went to get fruit and vegetables. This turned out to be a big mistake, because as I was picking out some fresh apples, someone pulled my hair, causing me to fall to the ground.

As I cried out in pain, I heard a harsh voice start to laugh. "Looky here boys! Is one of those Gypsies Claude hated so much." I looked up to see an army man with more behind him. He grabbed my hair again, forcing me to my feet. "She's a pretty one too, Isn't she men!" I felt my eyes water as his lackies agreed, but then, a familiar voice cashed out for them to stop.

Claude quickly approached, and the soldiers looked as if they had seen a ghost. "J-judge Frollo, we thought you were dead!" Claude grabbed my arm and steadied me, making sure I wasn't hurt. "I was lucky enough to be saved by this young lady and her family. Now, if you ever hurt one of them ever again, I will have your heads in the name of Mother Mary." The soldiers quickly apologized and fled.

Claude and I continued shopping, and nothing more was said about the incident.

They developed feelings:
(His POV)
I was amazed at their voice when I first met them, and even more amazed when they offered to help me. I had never been treated with such kindness and love in a very long time, and I intended to return it at any cost.

They would be mine, I would do whatever it took.

They ask you out:
It had only been a few hours since the incident at the market, and Claude had refused to leave my side. My family noticed, and started to tease that he liked me. I brushed them off, but Claude wasn't denying it, piquing my curiosity.

By the time dinner rolled around, Claude still hadn't left my side, so decided to ask if he liked me out of amusement and curiosity. His response wasn't what I was expecting.

"Of course I like you that way. I would gladly have you as my wife if I was permitted." I heard my uncle snicker near me. "A mighty fine wife she would make! It's her mother you would have to worry 'bout!" His laughter was quickly cut off as momma hit him in the head with the ladle. She looked at me and Claude with kindness.

"It's not up to me whether or not the two of you tie the knot, it's up to the two of you. However, if you hurt my baby, I will, how did you put it, 'have you heard in the name of Mother Mary'." Claude nodded, then turned to me.

"Well, why don't we just start with a simple date?" I smiled and nodded my head. "I would like that a lot."

First date:
Claude had decided to take me on a date the next day. We decided to go on a picnic date on a hill in a clearing with a large tree for shade. I had made chicken and vegetable stew, and Claude had cut up some apples and cheese to go with it.

It was a lovely day, not too hot and not too cold, with a gentle breeze carrying the scent of barely bloomed flowers. Claude and I were able to enjoy the food and have pleasant conversations without interruption.

It came to an end ask too soon, and as we were going to leave, I tripped on a rock and felt my ankle pop in a weird way. Claude was quick to my side, making sure I was ok. He inspected my ankle, and we found it was just sprained, luckily not broken, but still hurting enough that it made it impossible for me to walk on it.

Claude put down the picnic basket and kneeled next to me. "Well, there's only one way around this. Let me carry you." I looked at him, asking, "Are you sure?" He helped me start to get up. "Of course I'm sure, now let's get home." I got on his back, and we got home safe and sound.
Ok, so I have found out that I cannot keep to a schedule, so I've decided I'll just post when I have a chapter ready! I hope you enjoyed it, and hope you have a great day/night!
Oh! And thank you to @FANFICFREAK1389 for the suggestion!

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