Chapter 28: The Hopeful Maiden

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A broken man was sinking, with remnants of rock crumbling away from his body. He was disappearing into the depths of the deep blue, never to been seen again. What then, the man wondered, was his purpose of life? So, he began to reflect on it and search for his regrets, since he wouldn't have the time in the future.

Markus saw his entire life flash before his eyes. First, he was a child, born inside the Siegfried manor with two parents and a little sister. It was a happy time, as Markus was like a seedling in their garden and had much to learn. When his parents died and his sister moved away years later, Markus decayed a bit.

Next, Markus traveled to the Knight's Guard in Vyngard, to train as a soldier for the Royal Army. He became a bigger and stronger sapling, now capable to be cultivated. After that, he met Emilie in Czésta City and spent time with her there, and happy memories emerged again. They fell in love, explored the city, and cherished moments together.

Later on, there was his other life as a soldier for the Rebel Army. Markus left Emilie and journeyed to Morkazaaan, a land of fire and ash. There he met new people, developed new beliefs, and harnessed his magic abilities. Now Markus had grown into a young tree, forming branches and growing nutrients to keep him nourished.

Markus remembered meeting Alfred, who he first thought of as an odd man with a complex personality. Perhaps it was Alfred's personality and cheerfulness that made him an eventual comrade, and sooner they would grow as friends. Markus then met Andriel, a caring elf who was Blazen's mistress and nothing more. Despite her situation, Markus never once saw her writhe in hatred, as she was courageous and compassionate to others. They both were trees that were growing beside Markus too.

Markus remembered his other lover, Morgayne the mermaid, who was the one woman that he wanted to forget so badly but never could. He had happy memories with her, but bad ones always overshadowed the others. Morgayne was the water that helped Markus grow to his fullest potential, even when he wanted to wither up at times. With her, he became a mature tree and the strongest he had ever been.

But a tree, despite growing for years and years, will start to decay someday.

Markus lost Morgayne, and then Alfred and Andriel on the same night. He did his duty for Morkazaan, Blazen, and all of the higher-ups that he hated, but Markus couldn't say a final goodbye to those he loved. That was his greatest regret.

Markus never remembered anything after that. He was decaying anyway, so what was the point of trying to grow again? Thus, he quit the Resistance army and became a wanderer of sorts, hoping to find the child of Andriel Dreida somewhere in the world. Maybe then Markus could pass his life on to this child, hoping she could be the one to grow next.

When he finally found Silva in Rolnik, Markus swore to protect her until she was fully grown. He would do that by achieving three oaths that Alfred gave to him. One was to train Silva into a fine warrior, the second was to guard her life, and the third was to have her always remember her mother. 

Markus had realized now that he had failed the first oath, as Silva wasn't fully trained to be a great warrior. There was no way he could teach her anything more if he was dead. Markus was happy, at least, that he made good on the other two oaths.

His last memories were of him and his journeys with Silva, even if they were short and unfulfilled. However, Markus did receive closure for his past, and that was what he wanted the most before his death. He knew that he was cursed to die eventually, so Silva would be the resolution Markus needed to accept his broken life.

Markus recounted finding Silva with the Blood Hunters, and to his surprise, he found her fighting to live. It was the worst way to meet Andriel's child, and if she died, Markus would have no closure. He may have ended his life there, as there was no further meaning to continue it.

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