Chapter 14: The Mystery of the Tobacco Man

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"What took you so long?" Mary asked as Isaac exited the tavern, and she was standing there waving at him from her position. 

"I'm sorry, I was..." He trailed off for an excuse. "I was trying to find some information on Silva, but there's nothing right now."

Mary let out a disappointed sigh in response, saying, "That's unfortunate." 

They then walked past the Starosta's residence; a large but reserved manor that looked to be made from brick as opposed to the rest of the town housings. There were also the granite statues on the front lawn, and Mary made sure to take a look at most of them before she stepped inside. Mary was surprised when she saw it at first, as she had never been to a town that was wealthy enough to have a Starosta to deal with all their affairs. 

It is probably since they have so many ores to sell from the mountains, Mary thought. The people of Kipscken must have many mining caves and such, being so close to the mountains after all. She had wondered if there were any setbacks or problems that came from these people living close to the mountains. They had to experience some trouble because of their living conditions, so I give these people my best regards.

Mary had talked with the Starosta about the job offer. He was a nice man with very distinct features, and he had looked very classy as well. His maid had directed Mary into his office after she had entered the manor, and Mary arrived in comfortable and cozy conditions. 

The manor had all types of different paintings and pieces of art put on display. Mary had also walked past different gemstones and crystal shards that were especially pretty, even though they were out of the ordinary. She figured that the Starosta liked to decorate his manor with expensive and exquisite belongings, as many of them were well-furnished. To top it all off, the Starosa's maid performed all the housework, so his living conditions had to have been the daintiest that Mary had ever seen.

Taking the job that the bartender offered them was simpler than Mary expected. The Starosta reiterated the details, had her sign a document in ink, and then she would receive payment when the client replied with satisfaction. It was a new experience for Mary, as all the work that she had ever done never expected her to sign any papers or receive payments from the customers themselves. 

At Mary's weaving shop, all she did each day was sit down on an uncomfortable wooden chair in the back room. The only belongings she used were a bowl of yarn and string in her hand and a loom sitting pretty in front of her. Then she would receive feedback from her instructor after finishing with a particular piece. If the piece of the fabric, whether it be a rug, tapestry, or clothing was fit for display, then Mary would receive praise and have her sum of the pay sent to the church at the end of the week.

Now she had taken her first job as a traveler, and it was vastly different from what she was used to doing for some time now. It also means that we might have to stay the night, Mary thought with some concern. I just hope we'll have enough money for later as well.

After Mary had gotten one last look at the Starosta's manor, she and Isaac followed the gravel path leading right to the mountains. The town became even quieter as they walked along the road, as there weren't any people or wildlife around to be seen. The sky grew a little cloudier, which seemed to match the whole mood for the town.

Once they passed the eastern fence gates, Mary and Isaac soon reached the inclined hills that surfaced beside the mountains, and the winds had started to pick up. There beyond Mary's glance were two wooden houses next to each other, and they were built beside a stream that was descending from the mountainside. It had followed its way past the spruce forest that covered it and the village area too. Mary assumed that it was probably headed north for the Hunspr Sea that was beyond their sights.

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